
B704 <=> B706 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 705)

“Beings of certain European communities have during recent centuries greatly contributed by their incitement to the rise of this peculiar transformation of that strange being-function.

“And they have employed and continue to employ this incitement in order that the animosity between the beings who follow these two independent schools of one and the same religion, should increase and that they should never unite, since if this were to happen, there might soon be an end there for those European communities.

“The point is that nearly half of the ordinary three-brained beings there are followers of this Mohammedan teaching, and only as long as this mutual hatred exists among them will they mean nothing terrifying in the sense of ‘reciprocal destruction’ to European communities.

“And hence it is that accidentally arisen ‘newly baked’ communities always rub their hands and rejoice when sparks fly between these Sunnites and Shiites, because they then count on a long and secure existence for themselves.

“Now, as regards the fifth teaching, namely, the teaching of Saint Lama, also a genuine messenger from our ENDLESSNESS, the teaching of this Sacred Individual was spread among those three-brained beings there, who, on account of the geographical conditions, scarcely ever happened to come into contact with other beings of this ill-starred planet, and in consequence have scarcely been affected by the abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence there.

“One part of this teaching also its followers also soon changed and destroyed, but its other part already more or less entered into the existence of this little group of beings, and began to produce the expected results, thanks to which the hope grew even among the highest Sacred Individuals that this teaching, created by the saintly labors of Saint Lama, might sometime actualize what had already become a necessity in the Megalocosmos for everything that exists.