B705 <=> B707 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 706)
“But your favorites did not allow even this to happen, but by their ‘military expedition’ or ‘Anglo-Tibetan’ war, without so much as a thought, knocked this possibility soundly on the head.
“About this ‘military expedition’ I will tell you a little later.
“And I shall tell you about it chiefly because I myself happened by chance to be an eyewitness of all those lamentable events there.
“I must first tell you how there on your planet, it is now desired – of course with the help of the ‘Swivel-eyed General’ – finally to ‘dispatch’ even the remnants of those two named religions still existing there, which, although they are already changed even beyond recognition, yet nevertheless have during the last centuries made the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings there, though very remotely yet all the same a tiny bit, like the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings breeding on the other corresponding planets of our Great Universe, and for certain of them their phenomenally haphazard existence somewhat tolerable objectively.
“Namely, I shall here tell you how there is just now proceeding the process of the final ‘dispatch’ of two of the great religions of the five mentioned, now existing, which were founded, though ‘from-bits-here-and-there,’ nevertheless on the teachings of genuine messengers of our ENDLESSNESS HIMSELF: one, on the teaching of Saint Jesus, and the other, on the teaching of Saint Mohammed.
“I repeat that both these great religions there were founded ‘from-bits-taken-here-and-there’ from the teachings of two genuine messengers of HIS ENDLESSNESS, and though the three-brained beings there of former centuries ‘stripped’ both these teachings much as the Russian Sidor ‘stripped’ his goats, yet nevertheless some even down to the present time believed in something and hoped for something owing to those teachings, and thereby made their desolate existence a little more bearable.