B711 <=> B713 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 712)
“’Eh! . . . get along with you . . .’
“In Russia, moreover, none of this began with the yashmak or the fez.
“No. These headdresses were not worn there.
“But it was begun there with the ‘beard’ of the beings of the male sex. For the three-brained beings of the male sex there, the ‘beard’ is the same as our tail is for us, which, as you already know, adds, to the beings of male sex among us, masculinity and activity.
“It is now the turn of these unfortunate Turks.
“Once they have proposed to change their fezzes for European ‘bowlers’ the rest will follow of itself.
“Of course, the psyche of these Turkish beings will also soon degenerate as it degenerated in the beings of the community of Russia.
“The difference between the Russian beings and the Turks is only in this, that for the Russians one being only, namely, their czar, was the cause for this transformation of their psyche, whereas for the beings of the community Turkey, several beings were its cause.
“And there were several, because these Turks recently changed their old many-centuried established state-organization for a new one, a certain special ‘republican’ form, and in place of one ruler as had obtained among them during their former state-organization there were several.
“If even this former state-organization of theirs was bad, yet to counterbalance this there was a single ruler who introduced innovations solely for his community, and, furthermore, all of them old patriarchal.
“And now in this community Turkey: of the chief leaders there are several, and each of them is a wiseacre who forces upon the unfortunate ordinary beings of the whole of this community his callowness not responding at all either to the already long ago crystallized needs of the psyche of the beings of this community, or to their established pillars of their being-morality.