
B722 <=> B724 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 723)

“’The existence of every being is equally precious and dear to our COMMCOMMON CREATOR GOD; therefore the destruction of these beings, so great a number of them too, would give no small grief to that one, who, even without this, is overburdened with the care and sorrow of all that exists among us on Earth.’

“All that this future Saint then said in the assembly of Tibetan chiefs was so generally persuasive that they decided not only to take no measures against the strangers, but even to take every kind of precaution that no one should hinder the march of current events.

“Thereupon the beings appearing from below as uninvited guests, meeting with no opposition anywhere, moved forward there into the heart of that unique country, which hitherto had been isolated from all the conditions of ordinary being-existence growing always worse on your planet.

“Well then, there just proceeded that which resulted in a great calamity not only for all present and future beings of this unlucky country, but perhaps even for all, in general, present and future three-brained beings of the whole of that unfortunate planet.

“The point is, that at the final conference of the heads of the whole of Tibet, a resolution was carried, by the way, that certain members of the council, chosen by lot, should go to those districts through which these foreign beings would pass, in order to warn in advance the local population of the considered decision of their leaders, and persuade them to permit nobody, under any circumstances, to hinder the passing of these foreigners.

“Among the number of those sent to the districts through which the foreign armed beings would pass the choice fell upon the chief also of this small ‘group of Seven.’