
B723 <=> B725 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 724)

And when this future Saint arrived for the purpose mentioned at one large point, near which the armed crowd of foreign beings had camped for a needed rest, a stray bullet fired – intentionally or accidentally – in the street of this large point by one of these newcomers from below, ‘killed-on-the-spot’ this future Saint.

“In this way ended the existence of the chief of the small group of nearly perfected brothers, and overcome by the terror of such an event, nothing more remained for them but only to take all the necessary steps to bring home the planetary body of their former chief.

“In order that you may clearly represent to yourself the real terror of the situation experienced by these six brothers who were left without their chief, and also well understand all the resulting calamitous consequences, I must first of all explain to you, even though briefly, the history of the rise and existence in this country named Tibet, of this small group, which had always consisted of seven three-brained beings of your planet.

“This group was formed and existed long before the appearance on the planet Earth of the last Sacred Individual, Saint Lama.

“From the very early times it was composed of seven beings, directly initiated by Saint Krishnatkharna, also a messenger of our ENDLESSNESS specially sent to the three-centered beinbeings of the planet Earth breeding in the country Gemchania.

“When Saint Buddha afterwards appeared there in Gemchania, and made clear that many instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna were not yet obsolete for the psyche of the beings of that same country, and that these instructions, when absorbed by any of the beings there, contribute to the destruction of those consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, to help them in freeing themselves from which he had himself also been sent to them, and when He decided to put these instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna as a whole into the basis of his own teaching also, then these seven beings there, initiated directly by Saint Krishnatkharna – after Buddha had taught them the aim and necessity of their existence, and they had clearly sensed this and were convinced that the instructions of Saint Buddha not only at heart did not contradict the instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna, but even corresponded more perfectly to the psyche of the beings of that given period – became followers of Saint Buddha.