B726 <=> B728 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 727)
“And this most sacred process consists in this, that when there is intentionally first produced the coating of the highest being-body, namely, the ‘body of the soul,’ only afterwards, as in the first case, is the sacred Almznoshinoo produced.
“It is possible of course to produce both these processes only in that case, if such higher being-bodies are still in those spheres contactable by the sphere of that planet on which these ‘sacred sacraments’ are produced.
“And in addition, these formations evoked intentionally and consciously by definite beings can exist and maintain connection and communication with them only as long as the beings who produce these formations, consciously feed the body Kesdjan with their own sacred ‘Aiesakhaldan.’
“Thus, those six remaining members of the small ‘group-of-Seven’ might have had recourse to this same sacred process Almznoshinoo for communication with the Reason of their destroyed chief, if they, having foreseen the possibility of this sudden decease of their chief, had made beforehand while he still existed a certain preparation, necessary for completing this process.
“In order that you may understand about the essence of this preparation for the sacred process, the sacrament Almznoshinoo, it is necessary for you to know about two particular properties of the ‘being-Hanbledzoin,’ i.e., the ‘blood’ of the being-body Kesdjan.
“The first of these properties of the being-Hanbledzoin consists in this, that, if any part of it be separated and removed, then wherever and however far it may be taken, a ‘threadlike connection’ is formed between this part and the fundamental concentration of all this cosmic substance, in such a way that this connection is formed of this same substance, and its density and thickness increase and diminish proportionally with the distance between the fundamental concentration of this substance and its separated part.