
B728 <=> B730 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 729)

“In order to be clear in our subsequent talks upon this question, you must now be told just here that the said connection – one end of which is kept in the body Kesdjan which has risen to its corresponding sphere and the other end of which stays either within those surplanetary formations in which the particle from the general mass of the Hanbledzoin of the given body Kesdjan was fixed, or in those beings who intentionally blended the Hanbledzoin of the given body Kesdjan with the Hanbledzoin of their own body Kesdjan – can exist in space only for a limited period, namely, only until the completion of the appointed movement of that planet, on which the given being had arisen, around its sun.

“And at the beginning of such a new completing movement the said threads completely disappear.

“And they disappear because, in the atmosphere surrounding all planets, the evolution and the involution of cosmic substances required for the great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat in accordance with the fundamental sacred cosmic law Heptaparaparshinokh, again commence flowing only for the Trogoautoegocratic process of local character, i.e., within the limits of the given solar system’s what is called ‘own activity’ and in consequence of which all, without exception, of the cosmic substances which happen to be in the given atmosphere during the period of this movement, and among them the said connections also, are immediately transformed into those cosmic substances which must be present in these atmospheres.