
B732 <=> B734 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 733)

“But now, after the final destruction of even the last remnants of these religions, it is difficult even to foresee how it will all end.

“The last of these five religions, namely, that founded on the teaching of the genuine messenger Saint Lama, has been finally and even ‘with a crash’ destroyed by that charming military expedition of theirs.

“The last but one, namely, that founded on the teachings of Saint Mohammed, they are now destroying by means of the abolition of the former famous fezzes and yashmaks with the ‘gracious’ assistance of the ‘German Junkers.’

“And as regards the final destruction of the still earlier arisen religion, namely, that founded on the teaching of Jesus Christ, that is, the religion and teaching upon which the highest Individuals placed great hopes – the contemporary three-brained beings there, who have already become archstrange, are completely destroying it by organizing in that city of Jerusalem their university for the contemporary Jewish youth.

“The religion founded on the teaching of Saint Moses, although it existed for a long time and is still maintained after a fashion by its followers, yet, owing to the organic hatred formed in the beings of other communities toward the beings who follow this religion, due only to that ‘maleficent’ idea existing there called ‘policy,’ infallibly sooner or later they will doubtlessly ‘croak it’ as well and also ‘with a crash.’

“And finally, as regards that religion there which was, so to say, founded on the teaching of Saint Buddha, I have already told you that, thanks to their notorious suffering, based on a misunderstood idea, they have from the very beginning turned this teaching into a means for their own, as they themselves say, ‘mental perversity.’