B735 <=> B737 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 736)
“The result of this kind of, in the objective sense, ‘criminal wiseacring’ of theirs, was that in the beings of subsequent generations, genuine faith in all this Divine and uniquely accomplished teaching of salvation of the All-Loving Jesus Christ was totally destroyed.
“These absurdities which were written down, began gradually to engender in the presences of certain of the beings of subsequent generations the impulse of doubt, not only concerning what I have just said, but also doubt relating in general to all the real information and accurate instructions and explanations of this Sacred Individual intentionally actualized among them from Above.
“The data, however, for the doubt of these mentioned certain terrestrial three-brained beings of subsequent generations began to be crystallized and became an inalienable part of their common presences, chiefly because even in them in spite of the process, inherent in them, of almost automatic existence, yet nevertheless during a long period of time – many of their centuries – they gradually acquired from this automatic crystallizing, data for a more or less correct instinctive sensing of certain cosmic truths, as for instance, concerning the indubitable truth, that if the process of the sacred Rascooarno occurs to any being, or as they say ‘if someone dies’ and is moreover buried, then this being will never exist again, nor furthermore will he ever speak or teach again.
“And so, those of these unfortunates, in whom in short there still continued to proceed, very slightly, the functioning of being-mentation according to the law of sane logic, and who had not at all accepted such illogical and unusual incoherencies, ultimately lost all faith in any Truth whatsoever, really given and explained by this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ.