
B741 <=> B743 (BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 742)

“The others, indeed without hindrance, finished everything necessary for the possibility of accomplishing this sacred process Almznoshinoo.

“After what I have just said, you should now without any doubt understand how the three-brained beings, of the two types indicated by me of the planet Earth which has taken your fancy, have distorted for their various egoistic aims all the truths to such an extent, that about this Judas, now a Saint – thanks to whom alone such a blessed hearth of tranquility from their desolate existence had arisen and existed for them for twenty centuries – there has been crystallized in the presences of the beings of all subsequent generations such an unprecedented unjust representation.

“I personally even think that if this Judas was presented in their Holy Writ as a type of this kind, then it may have been for this reason, that it was necessary for someone or other, also belonging to the mentioned types, to belittle in this way, for a certain purpose, the significance of Jesus Christ Himself.

“And, namely, He appeared to be so naive, so unable to feel and see beforehand, in a word, so unperfected that in spite of knowing and existing together with this Judas so long, He failed to sense and be aware that this immediate disciple of His was such a perfidious traitor and that he would sell Him for thirty worthless pieces of silver.”

At this point in Beelzebub’s tales, he and all the passengers of the inter-solar-system ship Karnak suddenly sensed in their organ of taste a special sour-bitterish taste.

This signified that their ship was approaching that place of their destination, in the given case the holy planet Purgatory.

They sensed the sour-bitterish taste because a special magnetic current was released from the steering compartment of the ship to inform all the passengers of the approach to the place of destination.