B758 <=> B760 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 759)
“Thanks just to these processes of ‘evolution’ and ‘involution’ inherent in the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, there also began to be crystallized and decrystallized in the presences of all the greatest and smallest cosmic concentrations, all kinds of definite cosmic substances with their own inherent subjective properties, and which objective science calls ‘active elements.’
“And all the results of the ‘evolution’ and ‘involution’ of these active elements, actualizing the Trogoautoegocratic principle of existence of everything existing in the Universe by means of reciprocal feeding and maintaining each other’s existence, produce the said common-cosmic process ‘Iraniranumange,’ or, as I have already said, what objective science calls ‘common-cosmic-exchange-of-substances.’
“And so, my boy, thanks to this new system of the reciprocal feeding of everything existing in the Universe, in which our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute Itself participated, there was established in it that equilibrium which at the present time no longer gives the merciless Heropass any possibility of bringing about anything unforeseen whatsoever to our Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute; and thus, the motive for the Divine anxiety of our ALMIGHTY UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS concerning the wholeness of HIS eternal place of dwelling, disappeared forever.
“Here it is necessary to tell you that when this most wide Divine actualization was finished, our triumphant cherubim and seraphim then gave, for the first time, to all the newly arisen actualizations those names which exist even until today. Every ‘relatively independent concentration’ in general they then defined by the word ‘cosmos,’ and to distinguish the different orders of arising of these ‘cosmoses,’ they added to this definition ‘cosmos’ a separate corresponding name.