
B759 <=> B761 (BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 760)

“And, namely, they named the Most Most Holy Prime-Source Sun Absolute itself – ‘Protocosmos.’

“Each newly arisen ‘Second-order-Sun’ with all its consequent definite results they called ‘Defterocosmos.’

“’Third-order-Suns,’ i.e., those we now call ‘planets,’ they called ‘Tritocosmos.’

“The smallest ‘relatively independent formation’ on the planets, which arose thanks to the new inherency of the fifth Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and which is the very smallest similarity to the Whole, was called ‘Microcosmos,’ and, finally, those formations of the ‘Microcosmos’ and which also became concentrated on the planets, this time thanks to the second-order cosmic law called ‘mutual attraction of the similar,’ were named ‘Tetartocosmoses.’

“And all those cosmoses, which together compose our present World, began to be called the ‘Megalocosmos.’

“And then also our cherubim gave names, also existing until now, to the emanations and radiations issuing from all these cosmoses of different scales, by means of which the process of the most great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat proceeds.

(1) The emanation of the Most Holy Sun Absolute Itself they called, as I have already told you, ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God.’

(2) The radiation of each separate Second-order-Sun, ‘Mentekithzoin.’

(3) The radiation of each planet separately they called ‘Dynamoumzoin.’

(4) That given off from the Microcosmoses they called ‘Photoinzoin.’

(5) The radiations issuing from the ‘Tetartocosmoses’ they called ‘Hanbledzoin.’