B760 <=> B762 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 761)
(6) The radiations of all the planets together of any solar system they called ‘Astroluolucizoin.’
(7) The common radiations of all the ‘Newly-arisen-second-order-Suns taken together they called ‘Polorotheoparl.’
“And all the results issuing from all the cosmic sources, great and small, taken together, were also then named by them the ‘common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar.’
“It is interesting to remark that concerning this ‘common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar,’ present-day objective science has also the formula: ‘Everything issuing from everything and again entering into everything.’
“Independent names were then given also to all the, as they are called, ‘temporarily independent crystallizations’ arising in each of the innumerable cosmoses by the evolutionary and involutionary processes of these fundamental sacred laws.
“I shall not enumerate the names of the large number of these independent ‘centers of gravity’ which become crystallized in all separate cosmoses, but shall indicate only the names of those definite ‘center-of-gravity active elements’ which become crystallized in each separate cosmos, and which have a direct relation with my following elucidations and, namely, those which are crystallized in the presences of Tetartocosmoses and have such a ‘temporarily independent center of gravity.’
“In Tetartocosmoses the following names were given to these independent arisings:
(1) Protoëry
(2) Defteroëry
(3) Tritoëry
(4) Tetartoëry
(5) Piandjoëry
(6) Exioëry
(7) Resulzarion.