B768 <=> B770 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 769)
“It is necessary to tell you that concerning the determination of the degree of individuality, our cherubim and seraphim also then at the very beginning established that still now existing sacred ‘Determinator-of-Reason’ which is applied for the determination of the gradations of Reason or, more exactly, the ‘totality-of-self-awareness’ of all separate large and small cosmic concentrations, and by which not only are the gradations of their Reason measured, but there is also determined their, as it is called, ‘degree-of-justification-of-the-sense-and-aim-of-their-existence,’ and also the further role of each separate Individual in relation to everything existing in our great Megalocosmos.
“This sacred determinator of ‘pure Reason’ is nothing else than a kind of measure, i.e., a line divided into equal parts; one end of this line is marked as the total absence of any Reason, i.e., absolute ‘firm-calm,’ and at the other end there is indicated absolute Reason, i.e., the Reason of our incomparable CREATOR ENDLESSNESS.
“In this place I think it might as well be explained to you further about the various kinds of sources, present in the common presences of all three-brained beings for the manifestation of being-Reason.
“In every three-brained being in general, irrespective of the place of his arising and the form of his exterior coating, there can be crystallized data for three independent kinds of being-mentation, the totality of the engendered results of which expresses the gradation of his Reason.
“Data for these three kinds of being-Reason are crystallized in the presence of each three-brained being depending upon how much – by means of the ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ – the corresponding higher-being-parts are coated and perfected in them, which should without fail compose their common presences as a whole.