B774 <=> B776 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 775)
“The difference between each of them and our common great Megalocosmos is only in scale.
“Here you should know that your contemporary favorites very often use a notion taken by them from somewhere, I do not know whether instinctively, emotionally, or automatically, and expressed by them in the following words: ‘We are the images of God.’
“These unfortunates do not even suspect that, of everything known to most of them concerning cosmic truths, this expression of theirs is the only true one of them all.
“And indeed, each of them is the image of God, not of that ‘God’ which they have in their bobtailed picturings, but of the real God, by which word we sometimes still call our common Megalocosmos.
“Each of them to the smallest detail is exactly similar, but of course in miniature, to the whole of our Megalocosmos, and in each of them there are all of those separate functionings, which in our common Megalocosmos actualize the cosmic harmonious Iraniranumange or ‘exchange of substances,’ maintaining the existence of everything existing in the Megalocosmos as one whole.
“This same expression of theirs – ‘We are the images of God’ – can here serve us as a very good additional illustration in explanation of how far what is called ‘perceptible logic,’ or, as it is sometimes still said, ‘Aimnophnian mentation,’ is already distorted in them.