
B777 <=> B779 (BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 778)

“When these higher parts of three-brained beings, who are perfected to the corresponding gradation of objective Reason, get there, they fulfill precisely that function of the Okaniaki or ‘cells-of-the-head-brain,’ for which function, as I have already said, our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS condescended at the creation of the now existing World, to decide to use for the future those coatings who obtain independent Individuality in the Tetartocosmoses, as an aid for HIMSELF in the administration of the enlarging world.

“Further, in each of them, in their what is called ‘vertebral column,’ another concentration was localized, called there the ‘spinal marrow,’ in which there are precisely those what are called denying sources, which actualize in their functionings in relation to the parts of the head-brain just such fulfillments as the ‘second-order newly arisen Suns’ of the Megalocosmos actualize in relation to the Most Most Holy Protocosmos.

“It must without fail be noticed that in former epochs there on your planet, your favorites knew something about the separate particular functionings of the parts of their spinal marrow and they even knew and adopted various ‘mechanical means’ for action upon corresponding parts of this spinal marrow of theirs, during those periods when some disharmony or other appeared in their, as they express it, ‘psychic state’; but the information relating also to this kind of knowledge gradually ‘evaporated’ and although your contemporary favorites know that certain particular concentrations are in this spinal marrow of theirs, yet of course they have not the slightest notion for what function they were designed by Great Nature, and in most cases simply name them ‘brain-nodes’ of their spinal marrow.