B780 <=> B782 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 781)
“That is to say, those substances which, on the path of their returning evolutionary ascent from the sacred ‘Ashagiprotoëry’ – i.e., from the last Stopinder of the fundamental Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh toward the Most Most Holy Protocosmos – were transmitted with the aid of their own planet itself into definite higher corresponding surplanetary formations, and enter into them for further transformation as their ‘first being-food,’ which is their ordinary ‘food’ and ‘drink.’
“But those second-sourced substances which, being obtained from the transformations of their own sun and of all the outer planets of their own solar system and which entered the atmosphere of their planet through the radiations of the latter, enter into them again, just as into us, also for further evolutionary transformation as the ‘second being-food,’ which is their, as they there say, ‘air,’ by which they breathe, and these substances in their air just serve for the coating and maintenance of the existence of their ‘second being-bodies.’
“And, finally, the first-sourced substances which for them as well as for us, are a third kind of being-food, serve both for the coating and for the perfecting of the higher being-body itself.
“Well then, it was in relation to those sacred cosmic substances that those sorrowful results occurred among your unfortunate favorites which flowed and still continue to flow from all the abnormalities established by them themselves in the ordinary process of their being-existence.
“Although the substances also of this higher-being-food continue to enter into them also until now, yet they enter, particularly into the beings of the present time, already only spontaneously quite without the participation of their cognized intention, and only as much as is required for the transformations proceeding through them necessary for the purposes of the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic harmony and for the automatic continuation of their species demanded by Nature.