B782 <=> B784 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 783)
“It is interesting, however, to notice that in the beginning, namely, soon after the destruction of the functioning of the organ Kundabuffer in the three-brained beings breeding on this planet of yours, they also became aware of these two higher being-foods, and then began to use them with cognized intention, and certain beings of the continent Atlantis of its latest period even began to consider these same processes of the absorption of these higher being-foods as the chief aim of their existence.
“The beings of the continent Atlantis then called the second being-food ‘Amarloos,’ which meant ‘help-for-the-moon,’ and they called the third being-food the ‘sacred Amarhoodan,’ and this last word then signified for them ‘help-for-God.’
“Concerning the absence in the psyche of your favorites of a cognized need of absorbing these higher sacred cosmic substances, I wish also to draw your attention to one very important for them sorrowful consequence flowing from this.
“And, namely, in view of the fact that in them, together with the cessation of the intentional absorption of these definite cosmic substances necessary for the arising and existence of higher being-parts, there disappeared from their common presences not only the striving itself for perfection but also the possibility of what is called ‘intentional contemplativeness,’ which is just the principal factor for the assimilation of those sacred cosmic substances, then from that time on, in order to guarantee that the required quantity of those substances might enter into them and be assimilated, Nature gradually had to adapt herself to arrange that for each of them, in the course of their whole process of existence, such ‘unexpectednesses’ should occur already by themselves as are not at all proper to occur to any three-brained being of our Great Megalocosmos.