
B787 <=> B789 (BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 788)

“Well then, owing to that change in the general functioning of the primordial common-cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, this totality of substances named ‘being-Tritoëry’ can in the given case evolve further from this state only with the help of forces coming from outside.

“That is why in this case, if this totality of substances of ‘being-Protoëry’ does not receive foreign help from outside for its further evolution in the common presences of the beings, then both this totality and all the definite centers of gravity of the being-Ansanbaluiazar crystallized up to it always involve back again into those definite cosmic crystallizations from which they began their evolution.

“For this help coming from outside, Great Nature in the given case most wisely adapted the inner organization of beings in such a manner that the substances which had to enter into the common prespresences of beings for the coating and feeding of their second being-bodies Kesdjan, namely, that totality of cosmic substances which your favorites call air, might at the same time serve as just such a help coming from outside for the evolution of the substances of the first being-food.

“The active elements which compose this second being-food or air, and which enter into the presences of beings also for evolution through this second being-food, beginning from the nose of beings, gradually evolve with the co-operation of various processes of Harnelmiatznel of local character, and are also transmuted this time in the what are called ‘lungs’ of beings into Protoëry, but into Protoëry called ‘Astralnomonian-Protoëry.’

“And then the substances of this ‘Astralnomonian-Protoëry,’ entering into the presences of beings for their own evolution and having still in themselves, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, all the possibilities of evolving from their centers of gravity by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, mix with the totality of substances of the first being-food which have already evolved up to the third Stopinder of the Sacred being-Heptaparaparshinokh, and further evolve together, and thus help these substances of the first being-food to pass through the lower ‘mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-In’ and to be transmuted into other definite substances, into ‘being-Tetartoëry,’ and the Astralnomonian-Protoëry’ itself is transmuted into the substances named ‘Astralnomonian-Defteroëry.’