
B788 <=> B790 (BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 789)

“At this point in my explanations, you can have one more clarifying example for a full understanding of the difference between Autoegocrat and Trogoautoegocrat, that is of the difference between the former maintaining system of the existence of the Sun Absolute when that system was Autoegocratic, and the other system now called Trogoautoegocratic which it became after the creation of the Megalocosmos.

“If the transformation of substances through ‘beings-apparatuses’ proceeded according to the law of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh when certain of its Stopinders were not yet changed, that is as it still functioned before the creation of our now existing Megalocosmos, then the cosmic substances composing the first being-food, entering into such ‘apparatuses-cosmoses’ for the local process of evolution, would accomplish their ascent up to their completing transmutation into other higher definite active elements without any obstacle and without any help coming from outside – merely by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, but now since the independent functioning of this primordial sacred law has been changed into a dependent functioning, the evolution or involution in its changed Stopinders must always be dependent upon external ‘extraneously caused’ manifestations.

“In the given case, this extraneously caused help for the complete transmutation of cosmic crystallizations through beings into higher crystallizations is the second being-food, which has entirely different causes of its arising and which must actualize entirely different cosmic results.