B804 <=> B806 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 805)
“And so, those two words then, evidently, were just the causes why the poor initiates of that time, when infected by the general psychosis, imagined that the same things were talked of in that fantastic beautiful theory of the Babylonian future Hasnamusses, but only in greater detail; and they began half consciously to insert certain details of this fantastic theory into the Legominisms concerning the holy planet, and afterwards these informations, passing from generation to generation, blossomed out with the additions of these fancies, which again our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin expresses by the one word: ‘Kmalkanatonashachermacher.’
“According to what I have just told you, my boy, you can in general judge what kind of understandings and representations they have at the present time there on your planet about the what are called ‘questions of the beyond’; it can truly be said that if these understandings and notions of your eccentrics about their questions of the beyond were heard by our hens, they would begin to laugh so hard that the same thing might happen to them from their laughter as happens there among your favorites from what is called castor oil.
“For a better sensing and cognizing and at the same time for a better fairylike illumination of the meaning of these expressions which I just used – hen’s laughter and castor oil – I must tell you about some other consequences which flowed from always the same cunning wiseacring of these favorites of yours, in this case concerning the question of the ‘being-Exioëry,’ the more so since the knowledge about this will give you additional data for elucidating by a concrete example certain particularities, which I have already explained to you, of the fundamental cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh.