
B813 <=> B815 (BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 814)

“Now, however, after I had – while trying to assimilate well these sacred laws – clearly sensed and I became aware, that they are very complicated and in general difficult for a ‘complete understanding,’ it suddenly greatly astonished me and continues to astonish and interest me how the three-brained beings who arise and exist on the planet Earth could not only understand these sacred cosmic laws, but could even have constated them among the surrounding cosmic results, because, from all your tales about them, I got the full impression that since the second Transapalnian perturbation there, when each of the newly arising results of theirs becomes a responsible being, he becomes, thanks to the abnormal prevailing Oskiano, the possessor of only ‘automatic-Reason.’

“And that it is impossible to understand both of these sacred cosmic laws with such a Reason, I became convinced with the whole of my essence, when I myself tried to understand them.”

Having said this, Hassein looked questioningly and eagerly at his beloved Grandfather.

Having thought a little, Beelzebub began to speak as follows:

“All right, my dear boy, I shall try to elucidate to you also about this natural perplexity which justly arises within you.

“It seems to me I already once told you that although from the period you mentioned on that planet almost all the three-brained beings there became, thanks to the abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence, possessors of only an automatic-Reason, nevertheless it does sometimes happen there that certain of them by chance escape this common fate and that instead of that automatic-Reason which has become usual there, a genuine objective ‘being-Reason’ is formed in certain of them as it is in all three-centered beings of our great Megalocosmos.