
B840 <=> B842 (BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 841)

“After all that has just now been related to you, my boy, you can now be given that information thanks to which there might be crystallized in your mentation data for the representation into what general form the results of the tenacious-impartial-conscious-labors of these saints, the twin-brothers, the terrestrial-great-scientists were then molded in this China, and in addition also data for the representation concerning the degrees of the successive deterioration of being-Reason in the presences of these unfortunate terrestrial three-brained beings.

“And so, when for the second time, from my observations of the existence of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, there arose on this still quite young China thanks to the mentioned two great terrestrial scientists, the twin brothers, an independent branch of genuine science, that is, ‘the-totality-of-the-information-concerning-the-special-question-thoroughly-cognized-by-perfected-Reason’ of three-brained beings who had existed earlier, in the given case concerning the fundamental cosmic law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh then called the law of ‘ninefoldness,’ then this branch of science was not only handed down almost normally in an unchanged form from generation to generation during the first two to three centuries counting from the time of the sacred Rascooarno of the great twin brothers, but it even gradually became – thanks to their followers, also genuine learned beings of that period – as it is said ‘detailized’ and became accessible to the perception of even ordinary beings.

“This proceeded then chiefly because the practice – which had been established by the learned beings of the continent Atlantis – of handing down such information to the beings of subsequent generations only through beings who were genuine initiates, still continued among them.