B853 <=> B855 (BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 854)
“In the early years of his responsible existence this Chai-Yoo was destined – thanks to certain of his corresponding subjective merits – for a candidate of what is called ‘first-degree-of-initiate’ and, in consequence, help was given him without his knowledge, as it had long before been established by custom, by the genuine initiated beings there who had to do so to obtain every kind of information relating to various true events which took place on their planet in the past.
“And as my latest detailed investigations elucidated to me, he became worthy among other things to be also informed about the great apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh in all details of its construction.
“And then, only in order that similar beings around him should regard him as a ‘scientist,’ this Chai-Yoo being one of the first so to say ‘ideally formed scientists of new formation’ there, that is, a being with a ‘completedly formed inherency to wiseacre,’ not only ‘wiseacred’ a new theory of his own on the basis of this information learned by him in the said manner concerning the details of the great apparatus Lav-Merz-Nokh, ‘affirming and denying’ so to say absolutely nothing relating to the laws of vibration, but he also constructed his now simplified ‘sound-producing instrument’ named ‘King.’
“His simplification consisted in this, that without having at all taken into consideration the red and hair strings on the Lav-Merz-Nokh, he made the basis of his sound-producing instrument only the white and black strings, and moreover, only the number of strings of two octaves and he placed them thus, that one whole octave which was found in the middle had for its evolutionary and involutionary continuation half an octave from its next higher octave and half an octave from its preceding lower octave.