B870 <=> B872 (BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 871)
Chapter XLI The Bokharian Dervish Hadji-Asvatz-Troov
AS MY first meeting with this contemporary terrestrial three-brained being – with whom I saw the said experiments and thanks to whom, in all probability, information about the fundamental sacred cosmic law of Heptaparaparshinokh will again be established there and become accessible to everyone, even from among the ordinary contemporary beings with a thirst for knowledge – may turn out to be extremely interesting and instructive to you, I shall therefore tell you all about this meeting also, in all possible detail.
“This first meeting of mine with him took place three terrestrial years before my final departure from that solar system.
“Once while traveling over the continent Asia in that part of it called ‘Bokhara,’ I chanced to meet and get on friendly terms with a certain three-brained being belonging to the group inhabiting that part of the surface of your planet, who was by profession what they call there a ‘dervish’ and whose name was ‘Hadji-Zephir-Bogga-Eddin.’
“He was very typical of those contemporary terrestrial three-brained beings who have a tendency to enthuse over, as is said there, ‘higher matters’ and who always automatize themselves to speak about them without any essential cognition with anyone they meet, on opportune and inopportune occasions. And whenever we met, he also liked to talk only about these matters.
“One day we started talking about what is called there the ‘ancient-Chinese-science’ named ‘Shat-Chai-Mernis.’
“This science is nothing but fragments of the above-mentioned totality of true information concerning the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh cognized by the great Chinese twin brothers and by other genuine ancient scientists and then called by them the ‘totality of true information about the law of Ninefoldness.’