
B903 <=> B905 (BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 904)

“After this, the dervish Asvatz-Troov again sat down on the felt, and told us as follows:

“’Every form of “life” has its own “total” of vibrations proper to it, which represents the totality of all the vibrations engendered from the various definite organs of the given form of life; and this total varies at different times in each form of life and depends on how intensely these variously caused vibrations are transformed by the corresponding sources or organs.

“’Now all these heterogenous and variously caused vibrations always blend within the limits of the whole life in the general subjective what is called “chord of vibrations” of the given life.

“’Just take as an example my friend Bogga-Eddin and myself.

“’You see . . .’ and showing me the figures on the vibrometer that he had on his arm, he continued:

“’I have in general so many vibrations, and my friend Bogga-Eddin has so many more.

“’This is because he is much younger than I and several of his organs function much more intensely than mine, and the corresponding vibrations in him thus “result” more intensely than mine.

“’Look at the figures on the vibrometers of the dog, the sheep, and the goat. The sum total of the vibrations of the dog is three times greater than that of the sheep and half as much again as that of the goat, and in number of vibrations of his general chord of vibrations, this dog has a trifle less than myself and my friend.

“’It must be remarked that among men, especially men of recent times, very many are to be met with who have not even as great a number of vibrations in the subjective chord of vibrations of their common presence as the number shown by the presence of this dog.

“’This has come about because in most of these people I have just mentioned, one function for instance, and, namely, the function of emotion, which actualizes the main quantity of subjective vibrations, is already almost completely atrophied, and therefore the sum total of vibrations in them proves to be less than in this dog.’