
B911 <=> B913 (BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 912)

“’Needless to say, we were both glad to meet again and once more to exchange views on our beloved science of the “laws of vibrations.”

“’When the excitement aroused by our new meeting had abated, and when we had unpacked all the things my young friend had brought on camels – among which by the way were some of the famous contemporary European what are called “Roentgen apparatus,” almost fifty “elements of Bunsen,” several “accumulators,” and several bales of different materials for “electric wiring” – we began to talk quietly and from what he related about himself I learned with great grief the following:

“’Several years before, when on account of higher World-laws surrounding conditions and circumstances became such that scarcely anywhere on the Earth did people have any security for the morrow or any settled dwelling place, he suddenly noticed the appearance in his beloved wife of just that terrible disease, the search for a cure for which had lately been one of the chief aims of his existence.

“’He was particularly horrified because, in view of the surrounding conditions which had arisen, he had no possibility of employing, for the destruction of that terrible disease, that cure he had obtained and which only he alone so far could actualize.

“’And when he had calmed down somewhat after this terrible constatation, he then made the only possible decision – to wait patiently for a corresponding time, and meanwhile to try to create for his wife such conditions of life that the progressive process of that terrible disease should flow as slowly as possible.

“’More than two years passed, during which time the surrounding conditions changed for the better; and this young friend of mine had the possibility of then preparing himself, at last, to employ that cure known only by him, against that terrible disease.