B950 <=> B952 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 951)
“The case is still worse on that continent with that product which, for them as well as for almost all the three-brained beings of the Universe, is the most important product for first being-food, and, namely, that product called ‘prosphora’ which they themselves name ‘bread.’
“Before I describe the fate of this American bread I must tell you that this terra firma part of the surface of your planet called ‘North and South America’ was formed thanks to various accidental combinations ensuing, in the first place, from the second great ‘cataclysm not according to law’ which occurred to that ill-fated planet, and secondly, from the position that terra firm occupies in relation to the process of the ‘common systematic movement’ having a stratum of what is called ‘soil’ which was and still is suited for the production of that ‘divine grain’ of which this same ‘prosphora’ is made. With conscious knowledge of how to use it, the soil surface of these continents is capable of yielding in a single what is called ‘good season’ , the ‘fullness of a complete process of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh,’ or in other words, a ‘forty-nine-fold harvest,’ and even by its semiconscious use, as is now the case, the soil there yields of this ‘divine grain’ a considerable abundance in comparison with the other continents.
“Well then, my boy, when the beings of that continent began to have, thanks to various fortuitous circumstances, many of these objects which, for this strange psyche of the contemporary three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, are a subject for their dreams and are everywhere called there ‘dollars,’ thanks to which fact, according to long established usage there, they acquired in their ‘picturings’ of the beings of all other continents, what is called a ‘sense of superiority,’ with the result, also now usual among them, that they began to wiseacre with everything to achieve that said contemporary ideal of theirs, then they also began wiseacring with all their might with this divine grain out of which prosphora is made.