B967 <=> B969 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 968)
“Melted sheep’s-tail fat is then poured over these roasted pieces of meat.
“Although the pieces of roasted meat thus covered with fat do also gradually deteriorate with time, yet over a relatively very long time they do not acquire in themselves any poison.
“The beings of the continent Asia use this Haoorma either cold or heated up.
“In the latter case, it is as if the meat were freshly killed.
“Another very favorite product there preservable for a long time, is what is called ‘Yagliyemmish’ which consists of nothing else than various fruits.
“For this purpose, fruits freshly gathered from the tree are immediately strung on a cord in the form of what is called a necklace and then thoroughly boiled in water; when these odd necklaces are cooled, they also are dipped several times in melted sheep’s-tail fat and, after all this, they are hung up somewhere, where they are exposed to the effects of a current of air.
“However long fruit prepared in this way may hang, it scarcely ever spoils, and when these odd necklaces are to be used for food, they are put into hot water for a little, whereupon all the fat on them being heated entirely disappears, and the fruit itself is as if it had been freshly picked from the tree.
“Even though fruit preserved in this manner differs very little in taste from fresh fruit and will keep a very long time, nevertheless all the well-to-do beings of the continent Asia prefer fresh fruit.
“And this is obviously because in most of them as direct descendants of the beings of long-existing ancient communities, thanks to the possibilities which have reached them by inheritance, the crystallizing of data for the instinctive sensing of reality proceeds much more intensively in them than in most of your other contemporary favorites.