B973 <=> B975 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 974)
“’Ekh, Brother! Here on the Earth if you speak the truth you’re a great fool, whereas if you wriggle with your soul you are only a “scoundrel,” though also a big one. So it is best of all to do nothing, but just recline on your divan and learn to sing like the sparrow that had not yet turned into an American canary.’
“Now, my boy, absorb carefully the information about the causes of the gradual disharmonization – in the presences of these contemporary beings of the continent America – of their second fundamental being-function, namely, the function of sex.
“The disharmony of this function in them is due also to several causes of diverse character, but the fundamental cause, in my opinion, is their negligence ‘engendered in their essence and already quite fused with their nature’ in keeping their sex organs clean.
“Just like the beings of the continent of Europe, the care they give to their faces and their use of what is called ‘facial cosmetics’ are only equaled by their neglect of these said organs of theirs; whereas more or less conscious three-brained beings are required to observe the utmost cleanliness in respect to just these organs.
“They cannot, however, be entirely blamed, because in this respect the beings of the continent of Europe are most at fault with their customs existing in the process of their ordinary being-existence.
“The point is that this as yet recently arisen contemporary large group is almost exclusively formed and continues to be supplied with beings from various large and small groups populating the continent of Europe.
“The result is that even if the majority of the three-brained beings now composing this newly formed large group there, are not themselves emigrants from the continent of Europe, their fathers or grandfathers were, who, migrating to this continent of America, took along with them also their European customs, among which were those which brought about this uncleanliness in respect of their sex organs.