B975 <=> B977 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 976)
“A good example of what has just been said are the beings belonging to the group existing there under the name Persia which occupies a relatively large territory on the continent Asia.
“Among the beings dwelling in the central, eastern, southern, and western areas of this relatively large territory, the mentioned diseases are not to be found at all.
“But in the northern part, especially in the locality called ‘Azerbaijan,’ which comes into direct contact with the large half-European, half-Asiatic community called Russia, the percentage of beings infected with this disease increases more and more in proportion to their proximity to this Russia.
“And exactly the same occurs in other Eastern countries of the continent of Asia; the percentage of this disease increases proportionately to the contact of their beings with the beings of the continent of Europe; for example, in the country called ‘India’ and partly in China, this disease has in recent times become widespread among the beings there, chiefly in those places where they come into contact with European beings of the community England.
“It can thus be said that the chief disseminators of this disease among the beings of the continent Asia are, from the northwestern side, the beings of the large group Russia, and from the eastern side, the beings of the community England.
“The cause of the absence of this disease as well as of many other evils in the said parts of the continent of Asia is in my opinion that the majority of the beings of the continent Asia have several very good customs for their everyday existence, which have reached them likewise from their ancient ancestors.