“It is just in this place of the BEING-ANSANBALUIAZAR that the lower ‘Mdnel-In’ of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh is located, called the ‘mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-In’, and therefore the substances of the being-Tritoëhary cannot, only owing to the process ‘Harnelmiatzuel’, independently evolve further. BTG XXXIX
“That is why in this case, if this totality of substances of ‘being-Protoëhary’ does not receive foreign help from outside for its further evolution in the common presences of the beings, then both this totality and all the definite centers of gravity of the BEING-ANSANBALUIAZAR crystallized up to it always involve back again into those definite cosmic crystallizations from which they began their evolution. BTG XXXIX