
“You must know that those beings who are assumed to be the adepts of this contemporary art which is adorned with a false halo are not only put on their own level by the other three-brained beings there of the contemporary civilization, particularly during the several latter decades, and imitated by them in their exterior manifestations, but they are always and everywhere undeservingly encouraged and exalted by them; and in these contemporary representatives of art themselves, who really in point of their genuine essence are almost nonentities, there is formed of itself without any of their BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS a false assurance that they are not like all the rest but, as they entitle themselves, of a ‘higher order’, with the result that in the common presences of these types the crystallization of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer proceeds more intensively than in the presences of all the other three-brained beings there. BTG XXX

“And the second fact – the fact ensuing from the abnormal conditions of the being-existence of your favorites – is that when, from the very beginning of the arising of their offspring, they intentionally try by every kind of means, for the purpose of making them respond to these abnormal conditions round them, to fix in their ‘logicnestarian-localizations’ as many impressions as possible obtained exclusively only from such artificial perceptions as are again due to the results of their abnormal existence – which maleficent action of theirs towards their offspring they call ‘education’ – then the totality of all such artificial perceptions gradually segregates itself in their common presences and acquires its own independent functioning, connected only as much with the functioning of their planetary body as is necessary merely for its automatic manifestation, and the totality of these artificial perceptions is then perceived by them, owing to their naivete, as their real ‘consciousness’. But as for the sacred data for genuine BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS put into them by Great Nature – which consciousness ought to be possessed by them from the very beginning of their preparation for responsible existence together with the properties inherent in them which engender in them the genuine sacred being-impulses of ‘faith’, ‘hope’, ‘love’, and ‘conscience’ – these data, becoming gradually also isolated and being left to themselves, evolve independently of the intentions of the responsible beings, and of course also independently of the bearers of them themselves, and come to be regarded as what is called the ‘subconsciousness’. BTG XXXII

“Thanks only to such a, in the objective sense, maleficence, but according to their naive subjective understanding ‘benevolence’ towards their offspring, all the sacred data put in by Great Nature Herself for forming in them their real BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS become isolated and remain during the entire period of their existence in their almost primitive state, and every kind of impression unavoidably perceived by means of the six ‘being-Skernalits-ionniks’, or, in their terminology, ‘sense-organs’, present in their presences for the specific perception of externals – by the way, they count them as five – come to be localized and, acquiring their isolated functioning, gradually become predominant for the whole of their common presence. BTG XXXII

“All these impressions, intentionally or accidentally perceived, from which the said localizations are formed ought to be in them only as material for confrontative logic for that real BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS which they should have in themselves, and the accidental results of the perception of which, in their naïveté, they sometimes now confidently regard merely as reflexes of their, in their opinion, insignificant what is called ‘animal instinct’. BTG XXXII

“And the totality of these localized data, existing in their presences and spiritualized in them for the genuine BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS which they call subconsciousness, not having and not acquiring any ‘logicnestarian-growths’ for confrontation and criticism, but having from the very beginning only possibilities of engendering the sacred being-impulses called ‘faith’, ‘love’, ‘hope’, and ‘conscience’, always believes, always loves, and always hopes in everything newly perceived. BTG XXXII

“And these sacred cosmic substances, formed in them in such a manner, serve either only for the purposes of the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat entirely without the participation of their own BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS and individual desire, or for the involuntary conception of a new being similar to themselves, who is without their cognized wish a distressing result for them frnm the mixing of these sacred substances of the two opposite sexes, who actualize in themselves two opposite forces of the Sacred Triamazikamno, during the satisfaction by them of that function of theirs which has become, thanks to the inheritance from the ancient Romans, the chief vice of contemporary three-brained beings. BTG XXXIX

“Into Pythias or mediums those three-brained beings are converted there in whom, either spontaneously only owing to accidentally arranged surrounding conditions, or intentionally on the part of another consciousness, the inner functioning of the planetary body gets well accustomed to every change of the inner general psyche during sudden changes of their blood circulation, in consequence of which in such subjects there is not hindered the free functioning of various peculiarities of their general psyche which are consciously or unconsciously directed from outside and of the chief automatic data still present in them for genuine BEING-CONSCIOUSNESS, which totality of functioning proceeding in them they call ‘subconsciousness’. BTG XLIV