“But even if they should understand such a simple secret it will be all just the same; they still would not make the necessary BEING-EFFORT, quite accessible even to the contemporary beings and thanks to which, by the foresight of Nature, beings in general acquire the possibility of what is called ‘harmonious association’, by virtue of which alone energy is created for active being-existence in the presence of every three-brained being and consequently in them themselves. But at the present time, this energy can be elaborated in the presences of your favorites only during their quite unconscious state, that is to say during what they call ‘sleep’.BTG XXIX
“And later, when they have already become responsible beings having this profession and receive the official title of physician and when they are called upon to help the beings who need it, then their whole help consists in this that they make a BEING-EFFORT of a certain intensity just to remember the names of several of these medical means and to write them later on a scrap of paper called by them ‘prescription’, with the intention of prescribing that mixture which should be introduced into the planetary body of, as they say, the ‘invalid’. The intensity, however, of their effort depends first of all on the ‘social status’ of the being needing their help, and secondly on the number of eyes fixed upon them by the beings surrounding the given sick being.BTG XXXI
“They happened to be among the leaders of this Trusteeship, in consequence of the fact that in the presences of the hereditary power-possessing beings of that period there had again already become finally fixed and had become the inviolable part of their essence always the same ‘inner overlord’ of theirs, maleficent for the terrestrial three-brained beings, named by them ‘self-calming’, which by itself became for those unfortunates the sense and aim of their existence. And therefore in order not to make any BEING-EFFORT at all, they insisted that these learned physicians should also unfailingly take part in this important institution of great social significance.BTG XXXIV
“And further, since in all the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, and particularly of recent periods, the sacred being-impulse called conscience does not take part in the functioning of their general consciousness, in consequence of which in them there is absent even the very need for making any conscious BEING-EFFORT at all – then they, chat is, the beings who had set themselves apart and who had assigned themselves to the ruling class, profiting by the said terrifying means, compel other beings of the given groupings to produce for them even those efforts which every being should inevitably actualize in ordinary being-existence.BTG XXXIV
“The beings of the Tikliamishian civilization invented a certain kind of ‘comfortable couch bed’ which could be used for sleeping as well as for what is called ‘lounging’ so that while lying on this ‘wonderful contrivance’, and without manifesting the slightest BEING-EFFORT whatsoever, they could perform this same inevitable being-need for which the contemporary beings of the continent America have invented their ‘seats of ease’.BTG XLII
“And since it is impossible for all the three-brained beings of the Universe and therefore also for all the beings of your planet to exist without the process of mentation, and since at the same time your favorites wish to have the possibility of indulging very freely in their inner ‘evil god self-calming’, they then gradually and very efficiently accustom themselves that a sort of thinking should proceed in them purely automatically, entirely without the participation of any BEING-EFFORT of their own.BTG XLIII