
“And your favorites, the beings of the planet Earth, particularly the beings of the present time, do not use these same substances of BEING-EXIOËHARY at all consciously, neither for self-perfecting nor for conscious reproduction outside of themselves of new beings similar to themselves. BTG XXXIX

“There I will explain to you sometime in detail where and how the sacred sacrament of Serooazar proceeds with the substances BEING-EXIOËHARY for the continuation of one’s species and on what occasions and in what way the mixing and subsequent results of the two kinds of Exioëhary are obtained; one kind is transformed for the affirming principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which on our planet Karatas are the beings ‘Actavus’ and on your planet Earth the beings of the ‘male sex’; and the other kind is transformed for the denying principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which among us on the planet Karatas are the beings ‘Passavus’ and on the planet Earth the beings of the ‘female sex’. BTG XXXIX

“And so, about thirty or thirty-five of their centuries ago, when after a big process of reciprocal destruction, the majority of them again began – as it usually happens there in general after these terrifying excesses – often to see reality and to be less satisfied with the conditions of their ordinary existence, it so happened that the surviving fragments of the knowledge concerning the significance of BEING-EXIOËHARY reached in their authentic form to certain of them who had particularly strongly sensed the emptiness of their existence and who had begun to seek possibilities by which they could somehow fill up this emptiness. BTG XXXIX

“At the present time, very many of these ‘monasteries’ exist there, and these innumerable ‘monks’ who enter them do indeed strictly abstain from the ejection from themselves in the customary way of the BEING-EXIOËHARY or sperm formed in them; but of course, no sensible result at all is ever obtained from this abstinence of theirs, and it is not obtained, because the thought has ceased even to enter the heads of these unfortunate ‘contemporary’ monks that although it is indeed possible, by means of these substances Exioëhary formed in them, to perfect themselves, yet this can proceed exclusively only if the second and third being-foods are intentionally absorbed and consciously digested in one’s presence, and this is possible exclusively only if all the parts of one’s presence have been accustomed beforehand consciously to fulfill both sacred being-Partkdolg-duties, that is to fulfill ‘conscious labors’ and ‘intentional sufferings’. BTG XXXIX

“And so, my boy, in consequence of the fact that these terrestrial monks’, particularly the contemporary, do not intentionally aid the further evolution of these substances inevitably formed in them from the constant use of the first being-food, that is, do not actualize any ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ at all in their common presences, either intentionally or even automatically, and at the same time they do not remove these substances from themselves in the normal way foredesigned by Nature, then these substances begin to involve in them themselves, and during this involution of BEING-EXIOËHARY or sperm there is worked out, among the many transient definite substances which are in general formed in their common presences by such an involutionary process, a definite transient substance which has the property of having two kinds of action on the general functioning of the planetary body of a being. BTG XXXIX

“After the loss of the continent Atlantis, certain knowledge concerning the origin and significance of this same BEING-EXIOËHARY’ also survived, and this knowledge also began to pass from generation to generation. BTG XXXIX