“As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship Occasion which had been put at the disposal of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. BTG X
“There once came to my house on the planet Mars a number of BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, also dwelling there on Mars, with the following request: “They told me that one of their young Kinsmen, 350 Martin years before, had migrated to exist on the planet Earth, and that a very disagreeable incident for all of us, his Kinsmen, had recently occurred to him there. BTG XV
“I may remind you that the ship Occasion was the ship on which all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE were transported to that solar system and as I have already told you, it was left there for the use of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE for the purpose of interplanetary communication. BTG XV
“This continent was called ‘Atlantis ‘ and most of the three-brained beings and likewise most of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE then existed only upon it. BTG XV
“So, my boy, when we arrived in the said city I was met by all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, both old and young, who had remained on that planet. BTG XV
” ‘Having come to all these aforesaid conclusions we finally also unanimously decided as follows: ” ‘In order at least to save King Appolis from what is inevitably expected, we must with the consent of the King himself replace all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, and each of these latter, during the climax of this “psychosis” of the masses must take upon himself a share of the consequences anticipated. ‘ BTG XV
“When this elected being of ours had finished his report, our opinion was quickly formed; and a unanimous resolution was carried to do just as the elder BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE had advised. BTG XV
“But after two days it turned out that there were not sufficient BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE dwelling on the planet Earth to replace all the officials of that community; and we therefore immediately sent the Occasion back to the planet Mars for our beings there. BTG XV
“And when several days later our ship Occasion arrived from the planet Mars with BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, similar replacements were made in the provinces also, and soon everywhere in that community what are called the responsible posts were filled by the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE. BTG XV
“And later on he became there an even excellent bailiff for all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE.” BTG XV
“You might as well, I think, notice here in connection with this terrestrial catastrophe, something about the three-brained beings of our own tribe; namely, why all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE existing on that planet during the mentioned catastrophe escaped the inevitable what is called ‘Apocalyptic-end’. BTG XIX
“They escaped it for the following reasons: “I told you once, in the course of our previous talks that most of those BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who had chosen this planet of yours as their place of existence, existed during my first descent chiefly on the continent of Atlantis. BTG XIX
“So, my boy, the Party-Pythoness there was able to warn those BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who had been obliged to exist on that planet, and thereby to save them, as I have already told you, from the inevitable ‘Apocalyptic-fate’, owing only to one special being-property which, by the way, can be acquired by beings only intentionally, by means of what is called being-Partkdolg-duty, about which I shall tell you later. BTG XIX
“On the planet Mars I was indeed expected by several BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who had newly arrived from the planet Karatas. Among them, by the way, was also your grandmother who, according to the indications of the chief Zirlikners of the planet Karatas, had been assigned to me as the passive half for the continuance of my line”. BTG XIX
“You remember I told you, that my first descent in person upon the surface of that planet of yours took place on account of one of the young BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, who then had no desire to stay there any longer but returned with us to the planet Mars, where he later became a very good chief over all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE existing on that planet, and who is now already the chief over all the beings in general of our tribe who for various reasons still exist on certain planets of that system Ors. BTG XXIII
“And we descended upon this Sea because it washed the Eastern shores of that continent where I wished to go, namely, to that continent then called Grabontzi and now called Africa, on which those ape-beings I needed then bred more than on any other of the terra firma parts of the surface of that planet of yours; and also because this sea was at that period particularly convenient for the mooring of our ship Occasion; but what was still more important was that on one of its sides that country was situated which was then called ‘Nilia’ and is now called Egypt, where those BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE then existed who wished to remain on that planet and with whose help I intended to collect the apes. BTG XXIII
“On the very first day of my arrival in the city of Thebes, one of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE existing there told me among other things, in the course of our conversation, that the beings of the Earth of that locality had devised a new system for observing other cosmic concentrations from their planet, and that they were then constructing what was required in order to carry it into effect; and also, as everybody there said, that the convenience and possibilities of this new system were excellent and until then unparalleled on the Earth. BTG XXIII
“Well then, the day following cur arrival in the city Thebes, accompanied by one of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who already had many friends there, and also by the chief constructor of the said construction, and of course by our Ahoon also, I went this time on what is called a ‘Choortetev’ down the tributary of that great river now called the ‘Nile’. BTG XXIII
“Soon after certain former members of the learned society Akhaldan had settled on this part of the surface of the planet Earth, all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, who then existed on the surface of that planet which has taken your fancy, migrated to the same place. BTG XXIII
“And the relations of our tribe with that part of your planet and also with the first migration there of the chance surviving former members of the society Akhaldan were as follows: “I told you once that just before the second ‘Transapaloian perturbation’ our Party-Pythoness, while prophesying, insisted that all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE should, without delay, migrate for the continuation of their existence on that planet, to a definite part of the surface of that same continent now called Africa. BTG XXIII
“This definite part of the surface of the continent which the Pythoness indicated, lay just at the source of the said large river Nipilhooatchi where the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE existed all the time the said second Transapalnian perturbation lasted, as well as later when everything had gradually resumed its relatively normal state and when most of the surviving beings had then almost forgotten what had happened and had again formed – just as if nothing had occurred to them – one of their famous ‘centers of culture’ in the very center of that future Africa. And it was just when the former members of the society Akhaldan were searching for a suitable place for their permanent existence, that they chanced to meet a number of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who advised them to migrate to the country further down the said river. BTG XXIII
“Do you remember I told you that when I descended to that planet for the first time and the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE assembled in the city of Samlios with my participation in order together to find a way out of the difficult situation that had been created, those general meetings of ours were held in one of the sections of the principal cathedral of the society Akhaldan; and from that time on, good relations were established between many BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE and certain members of this society? BTG XXIII
“And there in that future Egypt whither both had migrated in the said way, the relations of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE with the authentic former members themselves who chanced to be saved and also with the descendants of other authentic members, remained uninterrupted and continued almost until the departure of our tribe from your planet. BTG XXIII
“I must warn you, my boy, that my story of the history of their arising and of everything later connected with those ancient communities called Greeks and Romans is not based on the results of my personal investigations; no, I shall only give you the information about them which I got from one of those BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who wished to remain to exist forever on that planet of yours. BTG XXIX
“Having arrived there, I settled down in the city called ‘Cairot and very soon organized the external form of my ordinary existence in such a way as to have that rest for my planetary body after the said intense and strenuous labors. “Do you remember, I already told you that I was in this Egypt for the first time during my fourth appearance on the surface of that planet of yours, where I descended for the purpose of collecting with the help of several BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE existing there, a certain number of the chance-arisen ‘freaks’ called ‘apes’; and I furthermore then told you that I inspected in that country many interesting artificial constructions, among which was also that particular observatory, which had then interested me, for the observation of cosmic concentrations. BTG XXXIII
“But at that moment I could in no way do this, because there was also present there the dervish Hadji-Bogga-Eddin who was still an ordinary terrestrial three-brained being, concerning whom, already long before, it was forbidden under oath from Above to the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE to communicate true information to any one of them on any occasion whatsoever. BTG XLI
“This interdiction upon the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE was made it seems on the initiative of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash. BTG XLI
“This interdiction on the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE was made chiefly because it is necessary for the three-brained beings of your planet to have ‘knowledge-of-being’. BTG XLI
“And since the sole means left to these unfortunate three-brained beings of your planet for their complete liberation from the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer are just this knowledge-of-being, therefore this command was given to the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE under oath concerning the beings of the Earth. BTG XLI
“This elderly being about whom I now speak was none other than the uncle of that young being of our tribe on whose account I had to descend to this planet of yours the first time and who afterwards became the chief over all the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who were exiled to that system Ors. BTG XLIV
“If now, my boy, in addition to all I have told you concerning this maleficent idea, I shall tell you only about how the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who were exiled on this peculiar planet involuntarily became the participants of the arising of a certain comical story; then, I am sure, you will obtain almost a real conception of the weird notion of your favorites about ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’. BTG XLIV
“The BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE were in the following way the involuntary cause of the complete fixing of this comical story in the process of the ordinary existence of these strange three-brained beings. BTG XLIV
“I have already told you once that many BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE happened in the beginning to exist there and to mix with the ancestors of these favorites of yours, and even to have friendly relations with certain of them. BTG XLIV
“It is necessary to remark that when our tribe indeed existed there among them, there was absolutely nothing at all concerning this tragicomic story about which I shall now tell you, unless we exclude the fact that before our tribe left that planet the last time a notion arose and began to exist among certain beings there – but only among those particularly naive – that the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE are, as it were, ‘immortal’. BTG XLIV
“And this notion then arose there evidently because the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE had an incommensurably longer duration of existence than theirs, and hence the cases of the sacred ‘Rascooarno’ among our tribe were rare, and perhaps it happened that in those periods this sacred process did not even occur to any of our tribe. BTG XLIV
“Only afterwards when for certain considerations the desire was expressed from Above that as few as possible of the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE should exist on that planet, and when therefore the majority of us emigrated to exist on other planets of this same system, in consequence of which scarcely any of our beings remained among them, just from that time on began that aforementioned comical story in which, even until now, the real names of certain BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE are involuntarily involved. BTG XLIV
“The events which gave rise there to this peculiar coincidence, namely, that these strange three-brained beings connected the names of many BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE with this fantastic idea of theirs, came about owing to the following: BTG XLIV
“It was then that the real names of many BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE, which also chanced to reach in the said manner to the beings of the period when this mentioned religious teaching appeared, acquired a greater special meaning and passing from generation to generation; these names oven reached to your contemporary favorites. BTG XLIV
“Arriving there on the planet Mars we soon received a command from Above that I and all other BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE who wished to return to the place of their arising should assemble on the planet Saturn, using the ship Occasion, on which planet that large intersystem ship Omnipresent would land which would bring us all to our destination. BTG XLV
“I nevertheless had to exist on the planet Mars for a certain time in order to liquidate all my personal affairs there, and to give various orders concerning the BEINGS OF OUR TRIBE. And it was just at this time that I was told that the ‘Toof-Nef-Tef’ there very much wished to see me. BTG XLV