“And here, for the elucidation of the strangeness of the psyche of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, it is very important and interesting to note that while Gornahoor Harharkh was, with the aid of his new invention, artificially and deliberately producing the evolution and involution of the density and vivifyingness of the elements of red copper, I noticed very clearly that this metal was transformed once upon the said plate into just that same definite metal about which the sorry-savants of your planet have been wiseacring during nearly the whole of their arising and existing, in the hope of transforming other metals into this metal, and thus constantly leading astray their alreacly sufficiently erring BRETHREN.BTG XVIII
“But when their big wars later on again begin, all these tablets were also destroyed by these strange beings themselves, and only one of them, namely, that one now with these BRETHREN, somehow survived, as I have already told you, and is now the property of this Brotherhood.BTG XXVI
“And so, after arriving in the town Djoolfapal, the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash established corresponding relations with these BRETHREN of the mentioned brotherhood who were working upon that abnormally proceeding functioning of their psyche which they themselves had constated, and he began enlightening their Reason by means of objectively true information, and guiding their being impulses in such a way that they could sense these truths without the participation either of the abnormally crystallized factors already within their presences, or of the factors which might newly arise from the results of the external perceptions they obtained from the abnormally established form of ordinary being-existence.BTG XXVII
“While enlightening the BRETHREN of the said brotherhood in the mentioned way and discussing his suppositions and intentions with them, the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash occupied himself at the same time in drawing up what are called the ‘rules’, or, as it is also said there, ‘statutes’, for this brotherhood, which he, in association with these BRETHREN he initiated of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri, founded in the town Djoolfapal and which later was called the brotherhood ‘Heechtvori’, which signified ‘Only-he-will-be-called-and-will-become-the-Sonof-God-who-acquires-in-himself-Conscience’.BTG XXVII
“Later, when, with the participation of these BRETHREN of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri, everything had been worked out and organized, the Very SaintlyAshiata Shiemash sent these same BRETHREN to various places and commissioned them under his general guidance to spread the information that in the subconsciousness of people there are crystallized and are always present the data manifested from Above for engendering in them the Divine impulse of genuine conscience, and that only he who acquires the ‘ableness’ that the actions of these data participate in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs in which they pass their everyday existence, has in the objective sense the honest right to be called and really to be a genuine son of our COMMON FATHER CREATOR of all that exists.BTG XXVII
“These BRETHREN then preached this objective truth at first chiefly among the monks of the mentioned monasteries-many of which, as I have already said, existed in the environs of the town itself.BTG XXVII
“Thereafter, the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, while continuing to enlighten the minds of the former BRETHREN of the brotherhood Tehaftantouri, then began with the help of these BRETHREN to enlighten the Reason of those thirty-five novices also.BTG XXVII
“So it continued during the whole of one of their years; and only after this did some of them from among the BRETHREN of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri, and from among the thirty-five said novices, gradually prove worthy to become what are called ‘All-the-rights-possessing’ BRETHREN of this first brotherhood Heechtvori.BTG XXVII
“Already during that same period while the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was enlightening the Reason of the BRETHREN of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri as well as of the newly collected thirty-five novices, there began to spread, among ordinary beings of the city Djoolfapal and its environs, the true idea that in the common presences of men-beings all the data exist for the manifestation of the Divine impulse conscience, but that this Divine impulse does not take part in their general consciousness; and that it takes no part because, although their manifestations bring them certain what are called ‘quite-late-repaying-satisfactions’ and considerable material advantage, nevertheless they thereby gradually atrophy the data put into their presences by Nature for evoking in other beings around them without distinction of brain system, the objective impulse of Divine-Love.BTG XXVII
“The said monk Ignatius arose and was formed for the Being of a responsible being, on the continent Europe; but when he reached the age of a responsible being, then with the aim of enriching himself with information concerning the profession which he had made the aim of his existence, namely, the profession there called ‘architecture’, he left for the continent of Africa. And just he it was who entered as a monk into the ‘brotherhood’ which existed on that continent Africa, under the name of the ‘Truth Seekers’; and afterwards, when this brotherhood migrated to the continent Europe and increased, and when its BRETHREN began to be called ‘Benedictines’, he himself was already an ‘All-the-Rights-Possessing-Brother’ of this said brotherhood.BTG XXX
“This Sobrionolian contact, or as it would be said on your planet Earth this ‘explosion’, was so powerful that during this Noughtounichtono there, everything without any exception was transformed into Etherokrilno, both the planetary body of the chief of this small group of beings as well as all the six other BRETHREN there who had completed this sacred sacrament, and likewise in general all the spiritualized or only concentrated surplanetary formations which were in the given region within an area of one ‘Shmana’, or as your favorites would say ‘one square kilometer’.BTG XXXVIII
“When I chanced to visit this monastery where Brother Asiman existed with the other BRETHREN of the said small group of your contemporary favorites, this preparation had already been used by all the BRETHREN for five months, and Brother Asiman with the participation of others of the BRETHREN who were also very familiar with this question was intensively busy with elucidatory experiments on a large scale.BTG XLII
“Several months later I again happened to come upon that monastery and acquainted myself personally with the document of these BRETHREN which had been composed by them on the day when they finally ceased the use of this indeed astonishing preparation.BTG XLII
“In the document composed by these BRETHREN, there was among other things, a lengthy description of the changes in the character of beings after five months’ use of this remarkable preparation of Asiman, and, in illustration, some very excellent and apt comparisons were given.BTG XLII