VIII. The Impudent Brat Hassein, Beelzebub’s Grandson, Dares to Call Men “Slugs” (pgs. B79B80)

Chapitre 8 Où ce mauvais garnement de Hassin, le petit-fils de Belzébuth, ose nous traiter de limaces

Capítulo 8 O despudorado moleque Hassin, neto de Belzebu, ousa chamar os homens de lesmas.

Hassein asked Beelzebub to tell him about the three-centered beings who are on the whole like them, but whose skin is a little slimier than theirs, the beings who breed on the planet Earth and who call themselves “men”.

Beelzebub laughed that Hassein called them “slugs” and he told him that it would be very interesting indeed for him to learn more about them, for they are most peculiar and they have many characteristics that he would not find in any other beings on any other planet of the Great Universe, and he promised to tell him the events of a general cosmic character connected with this planet that led to the grave concern of our Endlessnes.