XXIII. The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B268 – B314)
Chapitre 23 Quatrième séjour personnel de Belzébuth sur la planète Terre
Capítulo 23 A quarta estadia pessoal de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra.
Beelzebub descended for the forth time to the planet Earth owing to the request of his essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh, who asked him to keep him always informed concerning the strange particularities of human beings psyche.
While they were once together observing with Beelzebub’s Teskooano on the planet Mars the beings of the planet Earth, they noticed that they were agitated again with what is called the ‘Ape question’, which is that during periods they wished, at all costs, to find out whether they have descended from the apes or whether the apes have descended from them. So, Beelzebub undertook to descend onto the surface of that planet and to bring back to the planet Saturn a certain number of the beings called there ‘apes,’ in order to carry out certain elucidating experiments with them concerning the fact they had noticed.
Upon this fourth flight to the planet Earth, his ship Occasion descended onto the sea called the ‘Red Sea’ in Africa and he came to the town Thebes, which was then the capital of the future Egypt. He decided to postpone his first intention, because one of the beings of his tribe existing there informed him of an ‘observatory’ which was constructed in an area called at the present time the ‘outskirts of Cairo’, in order to become acquainted with it from every aspect, and to find out all about it.
He describes their ‘teskooano’ or telescope—the construction of which passed to them also from their remote ancestors—which has a particularity. ?hey did not place it on the surface of their planet, but they placed it very deep within the planet, and they carried out their observations of cosmic concentrations found beyond the atmosphere of their planet through five specially hollowed-out ‘shafts.’
Beelzebub explains to Hassein, that the conscious ability expressed in the creation of such constructions was the result of the attainments of the beings, members of the learned society Akhaldan, which was formed on the continent of Atlantis, 735 years before the second ‘Transapalnian perturbation’, on the initiative of Belcultassi, who was able to bring the perfecting of his higher being part to the Being of a Saint ‘Eternal Individual’; and this higher part of his now already dwells on the holy planet Purgatory. By the word Akhaldan the following conception was then expressed:
‘The striving to become aware of the sense and aim of the Being of beings.’
The learned members of this first and perhaps last great terrestrial learned society were then divided into seven independent groups, or as it is otherwise said, ‘sections,’ and each of these groups or sections received its definite designation. The emblem of the society Akhaldan was a stone statue the ‘Sphinx’, and was called ‘Conscience.’ This statue serves for all its members as a stimulus constantly to recall and awaken in them the corresponding impulses attributed to this allegorical figure.
Beelzebub explains to Hassein that he learned about this history, thanks to what are called ‘Teleoghinaras’. A Teleoghinara is a materialized idea or thought which after its arising exists almost eternally in the atmosphere of that planet on which it arises. The sequential series of being-ideas, materialized in this way, are called ‘Korkaptilnian thought tapes.’
Then after they had loaded the ape-beings into a special section of the ship Occasion which had been constructed for Gornahoor Harharkh under his directions, they at once reascended to the planet Mars; and three Martian days later, on the same ship and together with these apes, Beelzebub ascended to the planet Saturn, to be present at a family solemnity which was soon to take place there.