XXIX. The Fruits of Former Civilizations and the Blossoms of the Contemporary (pgs. B413B448)

Chapitre 29 Les fruits des anciennes civilisations et les fleurs des contemporaines

Capítulo 29 Os frutos das civilizações anteriores e a florescência das contemporâneas.

In following the associative flow of his tales about the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth, Beelzebub tells Hassein about the powerful communities there called ‘Greeks’ and ‘Romans,’ who swept away from the surface of that ill-fated planet even the memory of the results obtained from the most saintly labors of the Essence-Loving Ashiata Shiemash. They were also the cause of the utter nonsense that proceeds in the Reason of your contemporary favorites, and of the complete atrophy in them of that ‘fundamental being-impulse,’ the main lever of objective morality, called ‘organic shame.’

He explains to Hassein that the Greeks, who were ‘specialists’ in inventing sciences of every sort, were the cause of the gradual decay of the Reason, and it is thanks to the Romans that those factors are never crystallized which in other three-brained beings engender the impulse called ‘instinctive shame.’ When both these groupings had acquired many of the ‘effective means’ for the successful destruction of the existence of beings like themselves, they first conquered the neighboring communities situated on the continent of Europe and persuaded or coerced the beings of those other countries to exchange their own inner convictions for the ideals invented by their ancestors. Then these ‘sowers of evil’ moved into the continent of Asia, progressing slowly, yet effectively. But when some time later there appeared at the head of these hordes that arch-vainglorious Greek, Alexander of Macedonia, there began the clean sweep of the last remnants of the results of the very saintly intentional labors of our now Common-Cosmic Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash.

As he tells Hassein the passion for ‘inventing various fantastic sciences,’ inherited from the ancient Greeks, has passed down chiefly to certain beings of a community existing there today under the name of ‘Germany.’ They have become very skillful in inventing ‘sciences’ that spread the specific disease of wiseacring and invented all kinds of ‘chemical substances’ now existing under the names of ‘satkaine,’ ‘aniline,’ ‘cocaine,’ ‘atropine,’ and ‘alizarine.’ And these ‘new inventions,’ which they employ in the process of their existence, have brought it about that poor Nature there is scarcely able to actualize her ‘evolutionary’ and ‘involutionary’ processes. The capacity to cook up ‘fantastic sciences’ was also inherited by the beings of another contemporary community, also independent, called ‘England.’ They have become experts in inventing all sorts of metalwares and especially contraptions that help them carry out the process of ‘reciprocal destruction’ without the need to make any effort whatsoever. But the beings of the community of England also practice that particularly maleficent invention of the ancient Greeks which is called ‘sport,’ adding one more sure-fire factor for shortening the duration of their existence.

He explains to Hassein the difference between the duration of being-existence according to the ‘fulasnitamnian’ principle and according to the principle of ‘itoklanotz,’ so that he may understand why the duration of their existence is still further diminished on account of this sport. He also tells him that when the organ kundabuffer with all its properties was removed from the presence of his favorites, and – in conformity with the ‘fulasnitamnian’ principle – they began to have the same duration of existence as all normal three-brained beings arising everywhere in our Universe, they also should without fail have existed until their second being-body, the ‘kesdjan body,’ had been completely coated in them and perfected in Reason up to the sacred ‘Ishmetch.’ But later, when they began existing in a manner more and more unbecoming to three-brained beings and entirely ceased to actualize in their presence the being-partkdolgduty foreseen by Great Nature and when because of this the quality of their radiations failed to respond to the demands of the most great common-cosmic trogoautoegocratic process, then Great Nature was compelled gradually to adapt the duration of their existence to the principle called ‘itoklanotz,’ which in general determines the duration of existence of one-brained and two-brained beings.

He, then, refers to a sad fact that nowadays frequently happens, the fact that the process of the sacred ‘rascooarno’ in Hassein’s favorites takes place ‘by thirds’ – that is to say, they ‘die in parts.’ This also proceeds from the fact that, arising and being formed only according to the principle of itoklanotz and existing inharmoniously, they use up the contents of the bobbinkandelnosts of their three separate, independent brains disproportionately; that is, the bobbinkandelnosts of the thinking, feeling and moving center.