XXVIII. The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B390B410)

Chapitre 28 Le principal coupable de la destruction des Saints Travaux d’Ashyata Sheyimash

Capítulo 28 O principal culpado na destruição de todos os Mui Santíssimos Trabalhos de Ashyata Shiemash.

Beelzebub tells Hassein that the destruction of the last remnants of the results of the very saintly conscious labors of the Essence-Loving Ashiata Shiemash was the ‘invention’ of a learned being, well known in his day, named Lentrohamsanin, who was born on the continent of Asia in the city of ‘Kronbookhon,’ the capital of ‘Nievia.’ Thanks to the double ‘center of gravity’ of his inner existence, the ‘highest being-part’ of the presence of this terrestrial three-brained being was coated and perfected up to the required gradation of Objective Reason, and later this highest being-part became one of those 313 ‘highest being-bodies’ who are called ‘Eternal Hasnamuss Individuals’ and who have the place of their further existence in the Universe on a small planet named ‘Eternal Retribution.’

The maleficent ‘invention’ of that learned being, who was also a ‘learned being of new formation,’ was actualized at least two centuries before the time when during Beelzebub’s fifth sojourn he first visited the city of Babylon, where learned beings were assembled, partly by coercion and partly voluntarily, from almost the whole surface of the planet; and it reached the learned beings of the Babylonian epoch by means of what is called a ‘kashireitleer,’ inscribed by Lentrohamsanin with his own hand. In these wiseacrings of his he criticized in every way the prevailing order of collective existence and contended that the ‘state organization’ that was established after the very saintly conscious labors of the Essence-Loving Ashiata Shiemash should change.

When this future Universal Hasnamuss, Lentrohamsanin, had finished inscribing his wiseacrings on this unprecedented kashireitleer, he arranged an enormous and costly banquet to which he invited the ‘learned beings’ from all over Nievia, taking upon himself all their travelling expenses; and at the end of the feast he showed them his kashireitleer. No sooner had the learned scientists of Nievia returned home after this banquet than they begun talking, at first to their neighbors and later here, there, and everywhere, about the extraordinary kashireitleer; and foaming at the mouth, they asserted and proved to everybody the truth of those ‘revelations’ which the great Lentrohamsanin had inscribed upon his kashireitleer.

Thus it continued for almost a whole terrestrial year, during which the ranks of the contending parties increased everywhere, while toward each other one of their specific properties called ‘hate’ also increased. The result was that one sorrowful day in the city of Kronbookhon there suddenly broke out between the followers of these two opposing currents the process of what is called ‘civil war.’

Still later, the community of Nievia, having by then become great and powerful, begun, as usually happens there, making war on neighboring communities for the purpose of imposing upon them its new form of ‘state organization.’ And so, on the largest continent of the planet, the processes of reciprocal destruction again began to take place among these strange three-brained beings, and at the same time there were gradually changed and finally destroyed those various beneficent forms of ordinary existence which had been established thanks to the ideally foreseeing Reason of our now Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash.

But those who were to blame for the final destruction of the usages and customs that still remained in certain communities were the aforementioned ‘learned beings,’ who had been assembled in the city of Babylon at the ‘general planetary conference’ on the famous ‘question of the beyond.’ It happened that among those who went there on their own accord was the great-grandson of Lentrohamsanin, who had himself become a ‘learned being.’ He brought with him an exact copy on papyrus of his great-grandfather’s famous kashireitleer, the original of which he had received by inheritance. And at the very height of the ‘frenzy’ unleashed by the ‘question of the soul,’ during one of the last big general meetings of the learned beings, he read aloud the text of that maleficent ‘invention’ of his great-grandfather; whereupon it occurred, as had become proper to the strange Reason of these ‘sorry scientists,’ that from one question that interested them they at once passed to quite another, namely, from the question of the ‘soul; to the question of what is called ‘politics.’ Then, all over the city of Babylon meetings and discussions again began on the subject of various kinds of ‘state organizations,’ those already existing and those which in their opinion ought to be formed. For several months they discussed and argued, and they ended up by splitting into ‘parties.’ Each of these sections soon had its adherents among the ordinary beings of Babylon; and once again things would certainly have ended in civil war if the Persian king, getting wind of all this, had not immediately cracked them on their learned noddles. On his orders some of these learned scientists were executed, others were imprisoned with lice, and still others were banished to far away lands. Some of them were permitted to return to their own countries. And so, those Babylonian learned beings, who for various reasons survived and were scattered over almost the whole surface of the planet, continued by momentum to wiseacre. The result of these wiseacrings of theirs was that throughout the continent of Asia civil wars broke out in various communities and the process of mass reciprocal destruction between different communities started up once more. The destruction of the last remnants of the conscious labors of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash thus continued on the continent of Asia for about a century and a half; and when ‘hordes,’ led by the arch-vainglorious Greek called Alexander of Macedonia, overran almost the whole continent of Asia, they made, as is said, a ‘clean sweep’ from the surface of that ill-fated planet of everything that had been established and preserved.

Beelzebub explains to Hassein, a little more in detail, the significance of the word ‘hasnamuss’ and tells him that under the influence of certain ‘individual impulses,’ a certain ‘something’ arises in the common presence of these three-brained beings, which during the process of the transformation of substances, blends with the crystallizations resulting from the action of the entire ‘spectrum’ of what are called naloo-onosnian impulses, which consists of seven heterogeneous layers. As a place for the suffering existence of the high orders of hasnamuss individuals, the Higher Sacred Individuals have intentionally allotted from all the large cosmic concentrations four small planets, disharmonized in their subjective functioning and situated in various most remote corners of our Great Universe. One of these four disharmonized planets, called ‘Retribution,’ is specially prepared for the Eternal Hasnamuss Individuals, and the other three for the higher being-bodies of hasnamusses who still have in their presence the possibility of ridding themselves at some time or other of this maleficent ‘something.’

These three small planets exist under the names of:

Remorse of Conscience

