XXXV. A Change in the Appointed Course of the Falling of the Transspace Ship Karnak (pgs. B657B659)

Chapitre 35 Modification au cours de chute prévu pour le vaisseau intersystémaire « Karnak »

Capítulo 35 Uma mudança no apontado curso de queda da nave trans-espacial Karnak.

At this point of Beelzebub’s conversation with his Kinsmen, he was told that the captain of the ship sought permission to speak with him personally. Soon after Beelzebub had given his consent, the captain entered and with a respectful salute addressed Beelzebub and said that if, on the return journey he wished to stop at the holy planet Purgatory to see the family of his son Tooilan, then it would be better if he gave the order to do so now, because they would soon be passing through the solar system Khalmian, and if having passed this system they did not change the course of their ship, they would greatly lengthen the path of this falling.

Beelzebub asked the captain, after the visit to the holy planet Purgatory, to give their ship Karnak such a course of falling that on the way they may reach the surface of the planet Deskaldino, which was the place of permanent existence of his first educator, the Great Saroonoorishan, towards whom the being-impulse of gratitude is still inextinguishably maintained. He very-well knew that he was giving him no easy task, because he had already been a witness of the difficulties in carrying out the same request of his, when returning for the first time after his gracious pardon to the place of his arising on the planet Karatas he had asked the captain of the intersystem ship Omnipresent to direct the falling of the Omnipresent in the direction of the atmosphere of the planet Deskaldino. The captain told him that he did not know just what obstacles there were then for the captain of the ship Omnipresent, but on the direct route between the holy planet Purgatory and the planet Deskaldino, there lies the solar system called Salzmanino, in which there are many of those cosmic concentrations which, for purposes of the general cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process, are predetermined for the transformation and radiation of the substances Zilnotrago; therefore the direct falling of the ship Karnak, unhindered, through this system, will scarcely be possible. But in any case, he will try in one way or another to satisfy the desire expressed by him.