XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694B743)

Chapitre 38 La Religion

Capítulo 38 Religião.

Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly Loving Common Father condescended to direct Sacred Individuals to actualize more often in the common presence of certain terrestrial beings the germ of a Sacred Individual, so that these beings, having been completely formed up to responsible age and acquiring Reason in the conditions already fixed in the general process of existence of Hassein’s favorites, would become aware of reality and indicate to the beings similar to them how they, with their Reason, ought to guide the functioning of their separate spiritualized parts in order to decrystallize the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer, and to succeed in destroying in themselves the predisposition to new crystallizations. And so, after these terrestrial three-brained beings die, their contemporaries, in order to remember all their indications and explanations and also to transmit them to the beings of subsequent generations, gather them all into ‘one whole,’ and this ‘whole collection of indications’ usually serves as the origin of every kind of religious teaching there.

During the transmission from generation to generation of these religious teachings these strange three-brained beings continue to adopt in regard to them two modes of behavior which have already become fixed in their general existence. The first consists in this: those beings who belong to the cast called the ‘ruling class’ immediately hook on to these religious teachings the ‘maleficent question’ formulated on this ill-starred planet as ‘Religion for the State or the State for Religion,’ and make use of all their cunning to juggle with the known facts to justify their own egoistic aims. And the second mode of behavior is manifested by certain ordinary beings there who have acquired in their common presence the properties called ‘psychopathy’ and ‘parasitism.’ So these ordinary beings become ‘authorities’ on all the trifling details of these new religious teachings, and begin to ‘peck like crows on a jackal’s carcass’ at that totality of all that had been said and indicated by the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above. The result of these two forms of behavior is that soon after a religion is founded they always get split up into their famous ‘sects.’

As Beelzebub says to Hassein, during the period of his observations of the process of existence of his favorites, the germs of these Sacred Individuals were actualized many times in the common presence of certain beings and, in almost every case – with the exception of the Most Sacred Ashiata Shiaemash and everything connected with his holy labors – when they had fulfilled the mission imposed on them from Above, no sooner had the process of the sacred rascooarno occurred in them than religious teachings began to arise there. And later, as this ‘whole collection’ fell into the hands of those two types of beings they began to ‘peck’ at all this, and then, dividing themselves up into their famous ‘sects,’ to produce fantastic new religious teachings thought out by themselves, with the result that on this planet there are as many religions as there are colors in the rainbow.

The five religions based on what had survived of the totality of indications and explanations given to them by the Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above, that is, from Saint Buddha, Saint Moses, Jesus Christ, Saint Muhammad, and Saint Lama are: 1. Buddhism, 2. Judaism, 3. Christianity, 4. Islam, and 5. Lamaism.

Beelzebub tells Hassein the countries where these Sacred Individuals arose, the indications and advice they gave to their contemporaries so that all the consequences of the properties of the maleficent organ kundabuffer might be gradually decrystallized, and even the predisposition for new crystallizations might be destroyed. He also describes how there is actually now proceeding the final ‘dispatch’ of two of the five great religions mentioned, which were founded on bits taken here and there from the teachings of genuine Messengers of our Endlessness Himself: the one, on the teaching of Saint Jesus, and the other, on the teaching of Saint Muhammad, although, owing to these teachings some of them, even down to the present time, believed in something and hoped for something, whereby their desolate existence was made a little more bearable.

Beelzebub also tells Hassein that a military expedition of a European community, known as the ‘Anglo-Tibetan War’ was the cause of the total destruction of the teaching of the last Sacred Individual, Saint Lama. While telling this story he also explains the process of the sacred ‘almtznoshinoo,’ a process by means of which certain three-centered beings, who have been able to attain the coating of their own kesdjan bodies up to completed functioning and to a definite degree of Reason, intentionally bring about the coating or the ‘materialization’ of the ‘kesdjan body’ of a being whose planetary body has ceased to exist.

He also explains that the information about what is called the ‘Last Supper’ was nothing other than an account of the preparation for the great sacrament of almtznoshinoo on the kesdjan body of Saint Jesus Christ; and that the contemporary beings of that planet understand the words and phrases of what they call ‘Holy Writ,’ just as they do everything else, only literally, without any awareness of their inner meaning. And this nonsensical, literal understanding is due to the fact that they have entirely ceased making the being-efforts necessary to fulfill in their common presence partdolgduty, which alone can crystallize in three-brained beings the data for the capacity of genuine being-comprehension. They do not realize that at that period the ‘being-mentation’ of beings on this planet was closer to the normal mentation proper to three-brained beings, and consequently the transmission of ideas and thoughts was still what is called ‘imagonisirian’ or, as is otherwise said, ‘allegorical.’ But now all this takes place in them according to the principle called ‘chainonizironness,’ and that is why they cannot decipher and understand a text written in the ‘imagonisirian’ manner for the mentation of beings who were contemporaries of the divine Jesus Christ.

To give Hassein an example so that he may see more clearly the real nothingness of their Holy Writ, he tells him about what is said there about the most important, most reasonable, and most devoted of all the beings directly initiated by Jesus Christ, named Judas. According to Beelzebub, the truth is that, when Jesus Christ was compelled by circumstances independent of him to allow the premature cessation of his planetary existence to take place, he decided, together with the twelve terrestrial beings he had intentionally initiated, to have recourse to the sacred sacrament of almtznoshinoo. But when they had decided on this and were ready to begin the preliminary preparations required for this sacred sacrament, they saw that it was utterly impossible because it was too late; they were already surrounded by beings called ‘guards,’ and their arrest was expected at any moment. Then Judas intervened and offered to do everything necessary, with the blessing of Jesus, so that they had the possibility to fulfill this sacred preparation without hindrance. Beelzebub believes that if Judas was portrayed in their Holy Writ as a double-faced traitor, it may have been because it was necessary for someone or other belonging to the two types he described who distort every truth, for their various egoistic aims, to belittle for a certain purpose the significance of Jesus Christ himself. That is to say, it would make him appear so naïve, and so unperfected that he failed to sense and be aware that this nearest disciple of his was a perfidious traitor, who would sell him for thirty worthless pieces of silver.

At this point Beelzebub interrupts his tale because their ship was approaching the Holy Planet Purgatory, and he promises Hassein to tell him the rest of this story in detail when they get home to their dear Karatas.