
Our Common Father Endlessness began to actualize everything in such a direction that, under conditions of a certain kind of change in the functioning of the common presences of some of these Tetartocosmoses, there might be transformed and crystallized, besides the crystallizations which had to be transformed for the purpose of the new common-cosmic exchange of substances, also those active elements from which new independent formations might be coated in them themselves with the inherent possibility of acquiring individual Reason, from B762 ff

and these same second COATINGs alone began to be called bodies-Kesdjan B764

the COATING or materialization of the Kesdjan, or Astral body, the second being-body B131 B407 B437 B569 ff B726 B728 B770 B788 B1050

concerning the sacred process Almznoshinoo and the sacred Djerymetly B726 ff.

concerning the cosmic law Tenikdoa B728

these same new formations in their turn on exactly the same basis as in the first case and also under the conditions of a certain kind of change of functioning, began to absorb and assimilate into themselves such cosmic substances as had their arising immediately from the Most Most Holy Theomertmalogos, and similarities of a third kind began to be coated in them which are the higher sacred-parts of beings, the higher being-bodies B764 ff; and B60 ff B235 B372 B405 B407 B410 B438 B469 ff B673 ff B727 B775 B778 ff B792 B794 B1106 B1162 B1166 B1168

most of them ceased to utilize this sacred substance consciously for COATING their higher being bodies B276; and B794

concerning Rascooarno B673 ff

the possibility of consciously taking and COATING in their presence all that Holy B145

the possibilities of consciously COATING in your presence that Higher-Sacred B195

the possibility of COATING yourselves with this most sacred part of the Great All-embracing of everything existing, Holy Prana B245 ff.

the possibilities of the normal self-perfecting of their higher being-parts coated in their common presences B1145

I am curious to know whether there dwell three-brained beings on the planets of that solar system, and whether higher being-bodies are coated in them — Hassein; yes, higher being bodies, or souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which, the emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain the vivific power for COATING higher being-bodies — Beelzebub, from B60 ff

on each separate planet, the planetary bodies are coated and take an exterior form in conformity with the nature of the given planet, and are adapted in their details to the surrounding nature B61

External or exterior COATING or form:
like a karoona, on Mars B61
like a Toosook B61 ff
resembling large ants, on the moon B62
of a raven, on Saturn B92
the external COATINGs of the three-brained beings of that planet Earth closely resemble our own; only their skin is a little slimier; they have no tail, and their heads are without horns; what is worst about them is their feet — they have no hoofs; apart from the imperfection of their exterior form, their Reason also is quite uniquely strange, from B63 ff
the corresponding principle is foreseen and given to Nature by our Common Creator, so that He might coat and adapt all your internal and external organs B194
Ahoon, who though he had existed a very long time, had until now been so shortsighted that he had been unable to sense the reality present beneath an exterior with which all those existing and newly arising units of the Megalocosmos are coated B1179
Ashiata Shiemash, coated with the planetary body of a three-centered being B853
Beelzebub’s Sacred Essence became coated with a corresponding visible exterior B1181
Buddha, a Sacred Individual coated with the planetary body of a terrestrial three-brained being B234
Christ, a Sacred Individual who was actualized in the planetary body of a terrestrial three-brained being, and afterwards had to be separated from his planetary COATING B735
Asoochilon, an Eternal Individual, who became coated in the common presence of a three-brained being named Tetetos B293; see actualize
irrespective of the form of exterior COATING B276 B748 B755 B769

Kundabuffer, owing to which everything external perceived by their whole presences and transformed for their own COATING, was afterwards manifested, not in accordance with reality B236 ff
the second kind of Hasnamuss-individual B407 ff
the third kind of Hasnamuss-individual B407 ff
faint impressions B586

SEE body, exterior, form, perfection