
“The results of these experiments having been approved and blessed by the COMMISSION of Inspection under the presidency of Archangel Adossia, the construction of a big ship based on these principles was begun. BTG IV

“The Most High COMMISSION came to our planet Mars since it was the nearest to the planet Earth and from this planet of ours began its investigations. BTG IX

“The sacred members of this Most High COMMISSION at once quieted us by saying that the apprehended danger of a catastrophe on a great cosmic scale had already passed. BTG IX

“But nevertheless, my boy, this Most High COMMISSION, having then calculated all the facts at hand, and also all that might happen in the future, came to the conclusion that although the fragments of the planet Earth might maintain themselves for the time being in their existing positions, yet in view of certain so-called ‘Tastartoonarian-displacements’ conjectured by the COMMISSION, they might in the future leave their position and bring about a large number of irreparable calamities both for this system ‘Ors’ and for other neighboring solar systems. BTG IX

“Therefore the Most High COMMISSION decided to take certain measures to avoid this eventuality. BTG IX

“And so, my boy, inasmuch as such a cosmic actualization was possible only with the sanction of HIS ENDLESSNESS, the Great Archangel Sakaki, accompanied by several other sacred members of that Most High COMMISSION, set off immediately to HIS ENDLESSNESS to beseech Him to give the said sanction. BTG IX

“And therefore, my boy, if the Most High COMMISSION under the supreme direction of the same Archangel Sakaki had not, at the end of a year, gone there again, perhaps all the subsequent misunderstandings connected with the three-brained beings arising on that ill-fated planet might not have occurred. BTG X

“This second descent of the Most High COMMISSION to that planet was due to the fact that in spite of the measures they had taken, of which I have told you, there had not yet crystallized in the Reasons of the majority of its sacred members a complete assurance of the impossibility of any undesirable surprise in the future, and they now wished to verify on the spot the results of those measures. BTG X

“It was just during this second descent that the Most High COMMISSION decided in any event, if only for the sake of their own reassurance, to actualize certain further special measures, among which was also that measure the consequences of which have not only gradually turned into a stupendous terror for the three-brained beings themselves who arise on this ill-fated planet, but have even become, so to say, a malignant sore for the whole of the great Universe. BTG X

“You must know that by the time of this second descent of the Most High COMMISSION, there had already gradually been engendered in them — as is proper to three-brained beings — what is called ‘mechanical instinct’. BTG X

“The sacred members of this Most High COMMISSION then reasoned that if the said mechanical instinct in these biped three-brained beings of that planet should develop towards the attainment of Objective Reason — as usually occurs everywhere among three-brained beings — then it might quite possibly happen that they would prematurely comprehend the real cause of their arising and existence and make a great deal of trouble; it might happen that having understood the reason for their arising, namely, that by their existence they should maintain the detached fragments of their planet, and being convinced of this their slavery to circumstances utterly foreign to them, they would be unwilling to continue their existence and would on principle destroy themselves. BTG X

“So, my boy, in view of this the Most High COMMISSION then decided among other things provisionally to implant into the common presences of the three-brained beings there a special organ with a property such that, first, they should perceive reality topsy-turvy and, secondly, that every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them sensations of ‘pleasure’ and ‘enjoyment’. BTG X

“And then, in fact, with the help of the Chief-Common-Universal-Arch-Chemist-Physicist Angel Looisos, who was also among the members of this Most High COMMISSION, they caused to grow in the three-brained beings there, in a special way, at the base of their spinal column, at the root of their tail — which they also, at that time, still had, and which part of their common presences furthermore still had its normal exterior expressing the, so to say, ‘fullness-of-its-inner-significance’ — a ‘something’ which assisted the arising of the said properties in them. BTG X

“Having made this organ grow in the presences of the three-brained beings and having seen that it would work, the Most High COMMISSION consisting of Sacred Individuals headed by the Archangel Sakaki, reassured and with good consciences, returned to the center, while there, on the planet Earth which has taken your fancy, the action of this astonishing and exceedingly ingenious invention began from the first day to develop, and developed, as the wise Mullah Nassr Eddin would say — ‘like a Jericho-trumpet-in-crescendo’. BTG X

“Meanwhile you must note that there was still a third descent of that Most High COMMISSION to that planet, three years later according to objective time-calculations, but this time it was under the direction of the Most-Great-Arch-Seraph Sevohtartra, the Most Great Archangel Sakaki having, in the meantime, become worthy to become the divine Individual he now is, namely, one of the four Quarter-Maintainers of the whole Universe. BTG X

“And during just this third descent there, when it was made clear by the thorough investigations of the sacred members of this third Most High COMMISSION that for the maintenance of the existence of those said detached fragments there was no longer any need to continue in actualization of the deliberately taken anticipatory measures, then among the other measures there was also destroyed, with the help of the same Arch-Chemist-Physicist Angel Looisos, in the presences of the three-brained beings there, the said organ Kundabuffer with all its astonishing properties. BTG X

“To this peculiarity of theirs we gradually got used, having explained it to ourselves that obviously, for certain higher considerations, these properties also must deliberately have been given to the organ Kundabuffer by the Most High COMMISSION; in other words, seeing the fecundity of these biped beings, we assumed that this had been done with aforethought, in view of the necessity that they should exist in such large numbers for the needs of the maintenance of the common-cosmic Harmonious Movement. BTG X

“He explained this to me when, on the occasion of the first great misfortune to his planet Earth he came to the planet Mars as one of the sacred members of the third Most Great COMMISSION; and the captain of the transspace ship Omnipresent, with whom I had several friendly talks during that journey home. BTG XVI

“Once, while on the planet Mars, we received an etherogram from the center announcing the imminent reappearance there on the planet Mars of certain Most High Sacred Individuals; and indeed, within half a Martian year, a number of Archangels, Angels, Cherubim, and Seraphim did appear there, most of whom had been members of that Most Great COMMISSION which had already appeared on our planet Mars during the first great catastrophe to that planet of yours. BTG XIX