“‘But what has the existence of another being, which you destroy, to do with this, and, moreover, one whose existence you destroy in the name of its CREATOR? “‘Is not that “life” just the same as yours for the CREATOR Who created you as well as this other being? “‘Thanks to your psychic strength and cunning, that is to say, to those data, proper to you, with which our same COMMON CREATOR has endowed you for the perfecting of your Reason, you profit by the psychic weakness of other beings and destroy their existence.BTG XIX
“‘In exactly the same way, your external and all your internal organs are also created by our COMMON CREATOR in a corresponding manner. You are given legs to walk; hands to prepare and take the necessary food; your nose and the organs connected with it are so adapted that you may take in and transform in yourself those World-substances by which there are coated in the three-brained beings similar to yourself both higher-being bodies, on one of which rests the hope of our COMMON ALL-EMBRACING CREATOR for help in His needs, for the purpose of actualizations foreseen by Him for the good of Everything Existing.BTG XIX
“‘In short, the corresponding principle is foreseen and given to Nature by our COMMON CREATOR, 50 that He might coat and adapt all your internal and external organs, in accordance with that sphere, in which the process of the existence of beings of such a brain-system as yours is preordained to flow.BTG XIX
“‘Even as regards this own-donkey of yours, you abuse the possibilities given you by our COMMON CREATOR, since if this donkey is now compelled to stand unwillingly in your stable, it does so only because it is created two-brained; and this again is because such an organization of the whole of its presence is necessary for common-cosmic existence upon planets.BTG XIX
“‘Apart from the possibilities present in you of consciously coating in your presence the mentioned Higher-Sacred, this donkey of yours is of the same value for the common-cosmic process and consequently for our COMMON CREATOR, as you yourself, since each of you is predestined for some definite purpose, and these distinct definite purposes, in their totality, actualize the sense of Everything Existing.BTG XIX
“‘I repeat, all beings, of all brain systems, without exception, large and small, arising and existing on the Earth or within the Earth, in the air or beneath the waters, are all equally necessary for our COMMON CREATOR, for the common harmony of the existence of Everything Existing.BTG XIX
”For our COMMON CREATOR all beings are only parts of the existence of a whole essence spiritualized by Himself.BTG XIX
“‘I am quite sure that if any one of them should become aware that in destroying another’s existence he is not only committing an evil deed against the true GOD and every real Saint, but is even causing them, in their essences, sorrow and grief that there should exist in the great Universe “in-the-likeness-of-God” beings-monsters who can manifest towards other creations of our COMMON CREATOR so consciencelessly and pitilessly; I repeat, if any of them should become aware of this, then certainly not one among them could with all his heart ever again destroy the existence of beings of other forms for Sacrificial-Offerings.BTG XIX
“‘Then perhaps on the Earth also, would begin to exist the eighteenth personal commandment of our COMMON CREATOR which declared: “Love everything that breathes”.BTG XIX
“And this has been foreseen and created in this manner by our COMMON CREATOR in order that when these certain parts of the Great All-embracing, already spiritualized by Divine Reason, return and reblend with the great Prime Source of the All-embracing, they should compose that Whole which in the hopes of our COMMON ENDLESS UNI-BEING, may actualize the sense and the striving of all that exists in the whole of the Universe.BTG XXI
The ‘Legominism”, Beelzebub continued to speak, “through which the deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash were transmitted, had the following contents: “It began with the prayer: ” ‘In the name of the causes of my arising, I shall always strive to be just towards every already spiritualized origination, and towards all the originations of the future spiritualized manifestations of OUR COMMON CREATOR, ALMIGHTY AUTOCRAT ENDLESSNESS, Amen.BTG XXVI
“These favorites of yours also then began to have relations towards each other only as towards the manifestations varying in degree of a UNIQUE COMMON CREATOR and to pay respect to each other only according to the merits personally attained by means of ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, that is, by means of personal conscious labors and intentional sufferings.BTG XXVII
“This head ‘of Seven’, later a Saint, while persuading the other participants in this conference that what they had proposed must not be done, said among other things: “‘The existence of every being is equally precious and dear to our COMMCOMMON CREATOR GOD; therefore the destruction of these beings, so great a number of them too would give no small grief to THAT ONE, WHO, even without this, is overburdened with the care and sorrow of all that exists among us on Earth’.BTG XXXVIII
To this question of Beelzebub’s his grandson Hassein replied thus: “No, dear Grandfather, the details of this I do not yet know; I only know that these Dionosks arc regarded among us on the planet Karatas as great holy days and are called ‘Helping-God-Dionosks’, and I know that for these great holy days, the Dionosks, all our beings, ‘Actavus’ as well as ‘Passavus’, prepare themselves almost from the end of the previous holy day, and that one ‘Loonies’ before the beginning of these sacred sacraments, both old and young among us cease to introduce the first being-food into themselves and, by various sacred ceremonies, mentally give thanks to our COMMON CREATOR for their existence.BTG XXXIX