
To stop this undesirable sensation I might then still have had recourse to the aid of that maleficent property existing also in me, as in contemporary man, which has become inherent in all of us, and which enables us, without experiencing any remorse of CONSCIENCE whatever, to put off anything we wish to do “till tomorrow”. 12 BTG I

Now that I have warned you of what is most important, I am already tranquil about everything further. Even if any misunderstanding should arise on account of my writings, you alone will be entirely to blame, and my CONSCIENCE will be as clear as for instance… the ex-Kaiser Wilhelm’s. 75 BTG I

Otherwise the bookseller will, as is said, “cavil”, and will without fail again turn out to act in accordance with the basic principle of booksellers in general, formulated by them in the words: “You’ll be more of a simpleton than a fisherman if you let go of the fish which has swallowed the bait”, and will decline to take back a book whose pages you have cut. I have no doubt of this possibility; indeed, I fully expect such lack of CONSCIENCE on the part of the booksellers. 96 BTG I

And the data for the engendering of my certainty as to this lack of CONSCIENCE on the part of these booksellers were completely formed in me, when, while I was a professional “Indian Fakir”, I needed, for the complete elucidation of a certain “ultraphilosophical” question also to become familiar, among other things, with the associative process for the manifestation of the automatically constructed psyche of contemporary booksellers and of their salesmen when palming off books on their buyers. 97 BTG I

“From our earliest meetings, whenever we chanced to speak about other beings similar to himself, his responsiveness and experiencings about them always touched me deeply. And when my Reason made it quite clear to me that the function of CONSCIENCE, fundamental for three-centered beings, which had been transmitted to his presence by heredity, had not yet become quite atrophied in him, then there gradually began from that moment to arise in my presence and as a result to be crystallized, a ‘really-functioning-needful-striving’ towards him as towards a kinsman of my own nature. 1148 BTG XIX

“The first of these understandings exists there under the following formulation: “Every action of man is good in the objective sense, if it is done according to his CONSCIENCE, and every action is bad, if from it he later experiences ‘remorse’. 2058 BTG XXIV

“Later, when, with the participation of these brethren of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri, everything had been worked out and organized, the Very SaintlyAshiata Shiemash sent these same brethren to various places and commissioned them under his general guidance to spread the information that in the subconsciousness of people there are crystallized and are always present the data manifested from Above for engendering in them the Divine impulse of genuine CONSCIENCE, and that only he who acquires the ‘ableness’ that the actions of these data participate in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs in which they pass their everyday existence, has in the objective sense the honest right to be called and really to be a genuine son of our COMMON FATHER CREATOR of all that exists. 2187 BTG XXVII

“Already during that same period while the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was enlightening the Reason of the brethren of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri as well as of the newly collected thirty-five novices, there began to spread, among ordinary beings of the city Djoolfapal and its environs, the true idea that in the common presences of men-beings all the data exist for the manifestation of the Divine impulse CONSCIENCE, but that this Divine impulse does not take part in their general consciousness; and that it takes no part because, although their manifestations bring them certain what are called ‘quite-late-repaying-satisfactions’ and considerable material advantage, nevertheless they thereby gradually atrophy the data put into their presences by Nature for evoking in other beings around them without distinction of brain system, the objective impulse of Divine-Love. 2195 BTG XXVII

“This true information began to spread, thanks chiefly to the superlative wise provision of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash which obliged everyone striving to become an All-the-rights-possessing brother of the brotherhood Heechtvori to attain, as I have already told you, in addition to all kinds of definite self-merits, the ‘ableness’ to know how to convince all the three separate spiritualized and associating parts of a further hundred three-brained beings there, concerning the Divine impulse CONSCIENCE. 2196 BTG XXVII

“When the organization of the first brotherhood Heechtvori in the city Djoolfapal had been more or less regulated and was so established that the further work could already be continued independently, by means only of the directions issuing from the Reason then present in the brotherhood, then the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash himself selected from among those .ho had become All-the-rights-possessing brothers of the brotherhood, those who had already sensed the said Divine impulse, consciously by their Reason and unconsciously by the feelings in their subconsciousness, and who had full confidence that by certain self-efforts this Divine being-impulse might become and forever remain an inseparable part of their ordinary consciousness. And those who had sensed and become aware of this Divine CONSCIENCE, and who were called ‘first-degree-initiates’, he set apart, and he began to enlighten their Reason separately concerning these ‘objective truths’, which before that time were still quite unknown to the three-brained beings. 2197 BTG XXVII

“And concerning this he once said as follows: “‘The factors for the being-impulse CONSCIENCE arise in the presences of the three-brained beings from the localization of the particles of the “emanations-of-the-sorrow” of our OMNI-LOVING AND LONG-SUFFERING-ENDLESS-CREATOR; that is why the source of the manifestation of genuine CONSCIENCE in three-centered beings is sometimes called the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CREATOR. 2201 BTG XXVII

“And he then also further said: “‘In all three-brained beings of the whole of our Universe without exception, among whom are also we men, owing to the data cystallized in our common presences for engendering in us the Divine impulse of CONSCIENCE, “the-whole-of-us” and the whole of our essence, are, and must be, already in our foundation, only suffering. 2204 BTG XXVII

“However it might have been, my boy, it then so turned out that almost all of your favorites — those strange three-brained beings — also wished and began to strive with all their spiritualized being-parts to have in their ordinary waking-consciousness the Divine genuine objective CONSCIENCE, and in consequence, most of the beings of Asia at that time began to work upon themselves under the guidance of initiates and priests of the brotherhood Heechtvori, in order to transfer into their ordinary consciousness the results of the data present in their subconsciousness for engendering the impulse of genuine Divine CONSCIENCE, and in order to have the possibility, by this means, on the one hand of completely removing from themselves, perhaps forever, the maleficent consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, both those personally acquired and those passed to them by heredity and, on the other hand, of consciously taking part in diminishing the sorrow of OUR COMMON ENDLESS FATHER. 2210 BTG XXVII

“Owing to all this, the question of CONSCIENCE already began to predominate at that period during the ordinary process of being-existence both in the waking-consciousness state and in the ‘passive-instinctive’ state among your favorites particularly among those who existed on the continent Asia. 2211 BTG XXVII

“This became fully evident to me when, during the period of my last sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours, I became deeply interested in the mentioned Legominism concerning the deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash entitled ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’. I began in the course of my further detailed researches and investigations relating to his subsequent Very Saintly Activities and their results, to investigate the causes in which way and why the crystallization of the mentioned factors obtained from the particles of the emanation of the Sorrow of OUR COMMON FATHER CREATOR for the actualizing of the Divine being-impulse of objective CONSCIENCE, proceeded in their presences, that is to say, just in their said subconsciousness, and thus avoided that final degeneration to which are subject all the data placed in them for engendering in their presences the being-impulses Faith, Love, and Hope, and I was convinced that this strange anomaly there fully justifies one of the numerous wise sentences of our highly esteemed irreplaceable, and honorable Mullah Nassr Eddin which states: “‘Every – real – happiness – for – man – can – arise – exclusively – only – from – some – unhappiness – also – real -which – he – has – already – experienced’. 2218 BTG XXVII

“Thanks to all this, the CONSCIENCE which might be in the consciousness of the beings of that planet is, from their earliest infancy, gradually ‘driven-back-within’, so that by the time they are grown up the said CONSCIENCE is already found only in what they call their subconsciousness. 2226 BTG XXVII

“In consequence, the functioning of the mentioned data for engendering in their presences this said Divine impulse CONSCIENCE, gradually ceased long ago to participate in that consciousness of theirs by means of which their waking-existence flows. 2227 BTG XXVII

“Furthermore, if, for some reason or other, the actions of the Divine data, crystallized in their presences for the said being-impulse, should now begin to manifest themselves in them from their subconsciousness and should strive to participate in the functioning of their abnormally formed ordinary ‘consciousness’, then no sooner are they aware of it, than they at once take measures to avoid it, because it has already become impossible in the conditions already existing there for anyone to exist with the functioning in their presences of this Divine impulse of genuine objective CONSCIENCE. 2229 BTG XXVII

“My later detailed researches and investigations very definitely and clearly showed me that, in that consciousness of theirs, which they call their subconsciousness, even in the beings of the present time, the said data for the acquisition in their presences of this fundamental Divine impulse CONSCIENCE does indeed still continue to be crystallized and, hence, to be present during the whole of their existence. 2234 BTG XXVII

“In consequence, there is then automatically obtained, in these three-brained beings there, such a combination of functioning in their common presences as temporarily frees the data present in their subconsciousness for the manifestation of the Divine impulse CONSCIENCE and for its participation in the functioning of their ordinary consciousness, with the result that this said Remorse-of-Conscience proceeds in them. 2239 BTG XXVII

“Meanwhile transubstantiate in yourself the following: when the mentioned particular psychic property of ‘egoism’ had been completely formed in the common presences of these favorites of yours, and, later, there had also been formed in them various other secondary impulses already mentioned by me which ensued and now still continue to ensue from it — and furthermore, in consequence of the total absence of the participation of the impulse of sacred CONSCIENCE in their waking-consciousness — then these three-brained beings arising and existing on the planet Earth, both before the period of the Very Saintly Activities of Ashiata Shiemash and also since have always striven and still continue to strive to arrange their welfare during the process of their ordinary existence, exclusively for them themselves. 2246 BTG XXVII

“Well then, my boy, at the time when the results of the Very Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash had already begun to blend with the processes of what is called their ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ being-existence, and when thanks to this, data for the Divine impulse CONSCIENCE, surviving in their subconsciousness, gradually began to share in the functioning of their ‘waking-consciousness’, then the being-existence both personal and reciprocal began to proceed on this planet also, almost as it does on the other planets of our great Universe on which three-brained beings exist. 2249 BTG XXVII

“And all this then so happened because when the actions of the data of the Divine being-impulse began to participate in the functioning of their ordinary waking-consciousness, and the three-brained beings began manifesting themselves towards each other, solely in accordance with CONSCIENCE, the consequence was that masters ceased to deprive their slaves of freedom, and various power-possessing beings of their own accord surrendered their unmerited rights, having become aware by CONSCIENCE and sensing that they possessed and occupied these rights and positions not for the common welfare but only for the satisfaction of their various personal weaknesses, such for instance as ‘vanity’, ‘self-love’, ‘self-calming’, and so on. 2253 BTG XXVII

“And it proceeded in the following way: “All the beings of this planet then began to work in order to have in their consciousness this Divine function of genuine CONSCIENCE, and for this purpose, as everywhere in the Universe, they transubstantiated in themselves what are called the ‘being-obligolnian-strivings’ which consist of the following five, namely: “The first striving: to have in their ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body. 2256 BTG XXVII

“‘And the result of the psychopathic conclusions of these bestialized men of one or the other hostile party is that without any remorse of CONSCIENCE whatever they put these serious and quiet men to death. 2626 BTG XXX

“Evidently he wished by this presentation to give me greet ‘pleasure’ and by this to calm his own CONSCIENCE, as he considered himself to blame for my unsuccessful stay in this capital. 3453 BTG XXXIV

“Here it is extremely important also to notice that the existence itself of these terrifying processes could not in any way take place there among the three-brained beings of the planet Earth if those data which had remained intact in their subconsciousness for the engendering of the being-impulse CONSCIENCE, to which data the Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was the first to turn his attention and upon which he relied for the fulfillment of his mission, had taken part in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs which has become habitual for them during their waking state. 3508 BTG XXXIV

“And further, since in all the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, and particularly of recent periods, the sacred being-impulse called CONSCIENCE does not take part in the functioning of their general consciousness, in consequence of which in them there is absent even the very need for making any conscious being-effort at all — then they, chat is, the beings who had set themselves apart and who had assigned themselves to the ruling class, profiting by the said terrifying means, compel other beings of the given groupings to produce for them even those efforts which every being should inevitably actualize in ordinary being-existence. 3514 BTG XXXIV

“And so, this same guide being aware with the whole of his Being of the important significance of this responsibility taken upon himself in relation to this new being who has, in the said manner, only as yet reached his preparatory age, begins, according to CONSCIENCE impartially to create for his Oskiano every kind of what are called ‘inner-and-outer-factors’ for the perceiving of corresponding impressions in order to crystallize in his common presence all those data, the totality of which alone can give to the three-brained being who has reached responsible age, the power to be ‘Svolibroonolnian’, or, as your favorites there on Earth would say, the potency-not-to-be-identified-with-and-not-to-be-affected-by-externals-throughone’s-inevitably-inherent-passions’; and this being-impulse engendered in the being with these data, can alone help him to acquire the possibility of a free and impartial constatation of all true phenomena appearing in the cosmic results around him. 4724 BTG XL

“After a great deal of, as they still sometimes say, ‘drying of saliva’, they finally decided, in order that no one should be offended and at the same time in order to have also this branch in their science, to unite into one both of these theories which had reached them from ancient times and which had nothing in common with each other. And a little later when one of them, named Gaidoropoolo, thought out a very long ‘mathematical’ explanation of this misunderstanding, namely, why in one theory there is mentioned the division of the octave into seven ‘whole sounds’, while in the other, into only five ‘whole sounds’, and why and how such an important contradiction had occurred, then these mathematical explanations of his entirely pacified all the corresponding representatives of contemporary civilization so that now, with a quiet CONSCIENCE, they produce all their wiseacring concerning vibrations on the basis of the ‘mathematical explanations’ of this obliging Gaidoropoolo. 5083 BTG XL

“But there on your planet, thanks to the common presences of your favorites having become so odd, from a variety of causes both proceeding from outside of them and arising through their own fault, the result of the action of this common-cosmic actualization does not proceed in them as it proceeds in the presences of the three-brained beings arising on other planets during ‘Chirnooanovo’; that is to say, instead of this remorse of CONSCIENCE, there usually arise there and become widespread certain specific processes, called the ‘reciprocal destruction of Microcosmoses in the Tetartocosmos’, which processes, when proceeding in them, they themselves look upon as what are called among them ‘epidemics’ and which in ancient times were known by the names ‘Kalunom’, ‘Morkrokh’, ‘Selnoano’, etc., and in present days by the names ‘Black Death’, ‘cholera’, ‘Spanish influenza’, and so on. 5822 BTG XLII

“‘Almost all the chiefs of the governments of that time fully agreed with this conclusion of the representatives of all the peoples of the continent of Asia who had gathered together in the capital of the Kilmantooshian Khanate, and, without experiencing any remorse of CONSCIENCE, they began from then on not only to encourage and aid women in general — except indeed just their own daughters — to engage in this occupation so “abhorrently repulsive” to the nature of every normal person, but also to give, even with a feeling of benevolence, as if this were the most considerate manifestation of man, every possible assistance to women, without distinction of caste or religion, who might wish to leave or to go anywhere for this filthy purpose. 5946 BTG XLII

“‘That is why every woman here can very easily, at any favorable opportunity, without either suffering or remorse of CONSCIENCE, betray her legal husband. 6000 BTG XLII

“‘Although this cost me at the time much suffering and remorse of CONSCIENCE, yet the environment together again with the action of this alcohol caused me to fall a second time; and thereafter everything headed so to say down an inclined plane and led to the point where I am now indeed in this respect a most filthy animal. 6009 BTG XLII

“This unpardonable lack of thought is all the more strange in that they themselves admit the existence of many, as they now call them, ancient sages, and also do not deny the great amount of most varied information which has come down to them concerning the many objective truths elucidated by these sages, which information, by the way, certain of your favorites at the present time are, without any remorse of CONSCIENCE, giving out as having been thought of by themselves and exploiting to the full for their various egoistic aims, without at all suspecting that the totality of the results of these wiseacrings of theirs will inevitably lead their descendants sooner or later to total destruction. 6336 BTG XLII

“These latter enter and take part in the tasks of such societies not because their CONSCIENCE also begins to speak — far from it. They join only because, according to all those same abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence, they, being important and power-possessing, must as a matter of course be members of and participate in every ‘important society. 6439 BTG XLIII

‘And since especially during recent times only those beings can become famous and important among them in whom the mentioned sacred function, namely, ‘being-CONSCIENCE’, is entirely absent, then in consequence of the fact that this sacred function in the presences of beings is in general always associated with everything that represents and is Objective Reason, then, of course, those three-brained beings with Objective Reason always have CONSCIENCE as well, and consequently such a being with CONSCIENCE, will never be ‘important’ among the other beings. 6445 BTG XLIII

“‘Plague and cholera are, at any rate, less ignoble than human honesty, since people with a CONSCIENCE can at least live at peace with them’. 6669 BTG XLIII

“A man comes into the world like a clean sheet of paper, which immediately all around him begin vying with each other to dirty and fill up with education, morality, the information we call knowledge, and with all kinds of feelings of duty, honor, CONSCIENCE, and so on and so forth. 7253 BTG XLVIII

It is now still midday, and as I have given my word that I would not, beginning only from tomorrow, write anything further for this first series, I still have time and shall not be breaking my word, if I add with a clean CONSCIENCE that a year or two ago, I had categorically decided to make only the first series of my published writings generally accessible, and as regards the second and third series, to make them not generally accessible, but to organize their distribution in order, among other things, to actualize through them one of the fundamental tasks I have set myself under essence-oath; a task which consists in this: ultimately also to prove, without fail, theoretically as well as practically, to all my contemporaries, the absurdity of all their inherent ideas concerning the suppositious existences of a certain “other world” with its famous and so beautiful “paradise” and its so repugnant a “hell”; and at the same time to prove theoretically and afterwards without fail to show practically, so that even every “complete victim” of contemporary education should understand without shuddering and know, that Hell and Paradise do indeed exist, but only not there “in that world” but here beside us on Earth. , 7426 BTG XLVIII