
I wish to bring to the knowledge of what is called your pure waking CONSCIOUSNESS the fact that in the writings following, the essence of certain real notions may of themselves automatically go from this waking CONSCIOUSNESS-which most people in their ignorance mistake for the real CONSCIOUSNESS, but which I affirm and experimentally prove is the fictitious one — into what you call the subconscious, which ought to be in my opinion the real human CONSCIOUSNESS 24; and 25-6

waking CONSCIOUSNESS 373-4 383-5 817

false CONSCIOUSNESS 567 568inset

Zoostat, that is, the functioning of their being-CONSCIOUSNESS, began to be divided in two, and when two entirely different CONSCIOUSNESSes having nothing in common with each other were gradually formed in them, the first of which was called by them simply CONSCIOUSNESS, and the second — when they finally noticed it in themselves — was called and still continues to be called subCONSCIOUSNESS 559; and 530 564-8 793 1136

conscience, which might be in the CONSCIOUSNESS of the beings of that planet, is, from their earliest infancy, gradually driven-back-within, so that by the time they are grown up, the conscience is already found only in what they call their subCONSCIOUSNESS, from 378-80; and 359-60 370 624-5 1067

I, the compound result of CONSCIOUSNESS, sub-CONSCIOUSNESS, and instinct — Mal-el-Lel and Xenophon 38; consider also 295

CONSCIOUSNESS/subCONSCIOUSNESS 24-5 29 38 45 359-60 365 368 371 374 377-84passim 530 537 539 559 566-9 624 817 1135-6

at your age it is indispensably necessary that every day, at sunrise, while watching the reflection of its splendor, you bring about a contact between your CONSCIOUSNESS and the various unconscious parts of your general presence 78; see part

all the functionings of the planetary body and the body itself are the chief parts of a being, but the separate functionings as well as the whole of this body itself without other of the spiritualized parts of the being are only a dependent cosmic formation, conscious of nothing, and therefore, on the basis of what you once called the common universal pillar of Justice, each spiritualized part must always be just towards this dependent and unconscious part and not require of it more than it is able to give 1171

Faith of CONSCIOUSNESS is freedom;
Love of CONSCIOUSNESS evokes the same in response;
Hope of CONSCIOUSNESS is strength-from the inscriptions of Ashiata Shiemash 361