“Adiat, Haidia, or fashions, are like our customs for DAILY BEING-EXISTENCE which are established for the daily use of the three-brained beings for the alleviation of inevitable exterior conditions independent of beings, and which usually gradually enter everywhere into the daily use of beings as a necessary need, essential for them. These said contemporary customs or fashions of theirs are, firstly, only temporary and thus serve for the satisfaction only of the personal insignificant aims of these present and future Hasnamusses, which become phenomenally abnormal and trivially egoistic; and secondly, they are neither more nor less than the results of automatic Reason based on that relative understanding, which generally flows from the abnormally established conditions there of ordinary being-existence.BTG XXXVII
“It would be more correct because the contemporary intelligentsia there can themselves not only give absolutely no direction at all to their being-functions, but there are already finally atrophied in them even those data for impulses of essence-initiative for DAILY BEING-EXISTENCE which in general are always placed by Great Nature herself in all three-centered beings at their arising.BTG XLIII