“Such DEATHS by thirds there on the planet Earth which has taken your fancy, have occurred particularly frequently during the last two centuries, and they occur to those of your favorites who, thanks either to their profession, or to one of their what are called ‘passions’, arising and acquired by the beings belonging to all large and small communities there, on account of the same abnormally arranged conditions of their ordinary being-existence, have during their being-existence lived through in a greater or smaller degree the contents of the Bobbin-kandelnost of one or another of their being-brains.BTG XXIX
“And concerning premature partial death through the Bobbin-kandelnost of the thinking-center – the DEATHS of this kind among your favorites occur in recent times more and more frequently.BTG XXIX
“With the help of very many elucidatory logical confrontations it was also fully proved in the theory of Atarnakh that at certain periods there must infallibly proceed on the Earth such a definite quantity of DEATHS as in their totality will yield vibrations of a ‘definite degree of power’.BTG XLIII
“According to the laws of Nature, there must periodically always proceed on the Earth, independently of the will of men, ‘wars’ and ‘civil wars’; and this is because during certain periods there is required for Nature a greater quantity of DEATHS. In view of this we are all, with much grief but with inevitable inner resignation, compelled to agree that by no mental decisions of man is it possible to abolish the shedding of blood between states and within states themselves, and we therefore unanimously resolve to wind up current affairs and everything done by our society and perforce disperse for home and there to drag out our inescapable ‘burden of life’.BTG XLIII
“‘Now listen to what we must do to attain this aim. The results of all my researches clearly prove that Nature requires that at certain periods a certain number of DEATHS should take place on the Earth; and at the same time I have succeeded in making clear that for the needs of Nature it is indifferent which DEATHS these are, whether DEATHS of people themselves or DEATHS of the lives of other forms of beings.BTG XLIII
“‘From this it follows that if the number of DEATHS required by Nature is made up by the DEATHS of other forms of lives of the Earth, then obviously the need for the number of DEATHS of men themselves will thus be of itself correspondingly reduced.BTG XLIII
“It was plainly owing to the fact that during the said process, what is called ‘poison gas’ was invented by beings called ‘Germans’, and what are called special ‘rapid-fire machine guns’ by beings called ‘Englishmen’, that the amount of Rascooarnos or DEATHS unforeseen by Nature took place on this occasion and in a far greater quantity than was then required by Her, or, as the candidates for Hasnamuss there, namely, the commercial businessmen, would say, ‘overproduction’ occurred in respect of the DEATHS of the three-brained beings required there.BTG XLIII